

Dean sought for L&S’ biological sciences division; deadline is March 18

14 February 2002 | The dean of biological sciences has direct responsibility for the Departments of Integrative Biology and Molecular and Cell Biology, the Physical Education Program, and oversees academic matters in five research units. The dean serves as the ex officio member of the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee. The Biological Sciences Division currently has 112 FTE in faculty. In the 1995 National Research Council report, the overall ranking of several Berkeley doctoral programs in the biological sciences appeared in the top 10 in the country. The division has a permanent budget of $17.8 million in state funds. The dean’s responsibility encompasses academic (senate and non-senate) staff personnel, teaching and operational budgets, physical facilities, instructional technology, research, and diversification and outreach. The search is restricted to full professors at UC Berkeley.

The dean of biological sciences meets regularly with the other divisional deans of the College of Letters and Science to discuss matters of mutual concern, such as collegewide policy issues, shared administrative resources, and interdepartmental instructional programs. The dean also represents the interests and needs of the Division of Biological Sciences to other campus units, such as the Library, the Office of Educational Development, the Office of Resource Planning and Budget, Physical Plant, and the Office of Planning, Design and Construction. In addition, the dean is an active participant in fundraising on behalf of both the Division of Biological Sciences and the College of Letters and Science.

We are seeking a dean with a record of distinction and a commitment to intellectual and professional excellence. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated leadership potential, be skilled in attracting excellent faculty candidates and significant sources of funding, have a track record for addressing diversity issues, will be collegial, and will be able to interact well with the campus administration, business, government, foundations, students and alumni.

Nominations or applications must be received by March 18, 2002. A detailed curriculum vitae, a list of professional references, and a statement of the candidate’s positions on the status of research and education in the biological sciences and current challenges to the biological sciences should be sent to: Dean of Biological Sciences Search Committee, Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Welfare, 109 California Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1500

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