

Plan your Cal Day visit to campus with new search engine
For parents bringing kids to April 20th open house, new tool makes it easy to find activities

10 April 2002 | With so many lectures, performances, tours and demonstrations to choose from, deciding what to do on Cal Day can be a challenge. But a new search function on the Cal Day web site enables visitors to customize an itinerary that fits their schedule and interests.

To use this feature, visit click on the “general program” button. Then, using pull-down menus, choose events by subject area or time.

“This will make it a lot easier for people who like to pre-plan their visits to Cal Day,” said Jeff Kahn, web manager for Public Affairs. “Using this new function, visitors can pinpoint where they want to be at what time.”

This new search engine is especially useful for parents bringing their children to the open house.

Are your kids nuts about sports? Select “Sports and Recreation” from the subject menu and see a complete listing of scrimmages and competitions by Cal athletic teams. Have a hole in your schedule at 1 p.m.? Select this hour from the time menu and choose between a Native American storytelling session, a performance by the Cal Marching Band and fossil preparation demonstrations at the Museum of Paleontology.

The Cal Day web site also offers tips for a successful visit, including information about tours, transportation, campus restaurants, first aid and services for people with disabilities.

A link to the “information marketplace” provides a list of campus and community groups — such as Cal Parents, the Career Center and Residential and Family Living — whose representatives will be on hand during Cal Day to answer questions about their organizations.

Browsers can learn about Cal Day events geared toward new and prospective students or view a slide show of last year’s open house — with images of the fun-filled activities that make Cal Day so popular.

Cal Day runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, April 20. For information, call 642-2294.


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Copyright 2002, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.

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