

Distance learning expert is new dean of extension

10 July 2002 | James E. Sherwood of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has been named the new dean of UC Berkeley Extension, the continuing education division of the University of California.

Sherwood will assume his position on Sept. 1, replacing Garry Brewer, who left the job in July 2001 to return to Yale University.

A historian by training, Sherwood, 55, is currently associate dean in the Division of Continuing Studies at the Univer-sity of Nebraska-Lincoln. He started his career there in 1980 as assistant professor, then moved to the administrative side in 1989. Before becoming associate dean, he headed the division’s distance education department and rose to national prominence speaking and writing about technology in education.

From 1997 through 2000, he served as the principal investigator for a $21 million U.S. Department of Education grant to place a complete, accredited high school diploma sequence on the World Wide Web.

“We know that today, life-long learning has become a crucial component to an individual’s education,” said Chancellor Robert Berdahl in announcing Sherwood’s appointment. “UC Berkeley Extension has been a leader in the field, and with James E. Sherwood at the helm, we look forward to experienced leadership and insightful innovation.”


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