How to get things done on campus:
28 August 2002
A plethora of lectures, performances, exhibits, films, conferences, and workshops take place across the campus on any given day. Event organizers can make sure the campus community is aware of their planned activities by contacting the Public Affairs Office, which offers two valuable venues for publicizing campus events: the online Calendar of Events and the Berkeleyan’s Calendar pages. To submit events to both calendars, event sponsors should visit berkeley.edu/calendar. Once there, click the “Add an Event” button and follow the instructions. Events are posted online within 24 hours of receipt, upon approval of the calendar editor. The web calendar is a searchable site that receives hundreds of “hits” each week, making it an ideal way to promote events, particularly those that come together on short notice. The Berkeleyan Calendar appears in the middle section of the paper — distributed to faculty and staff once a week during the school year — and offers a two-week listing of campus activities. Events used in the Berkeleyan Calendar are pulled from the online calendar database. Short-notice events aren’t listed in the newspaper’s Calendar: information must be received by Monday, 11 days before Thursday publication. Directing extra attention to special events, both the online and Berkeleyan Calendars feature “highlights,” which showcase three to four events each week with a brief story and graphic image. For information about submitting and highlighting events, contact Lyn Hunter at dlh@pa.urel.berkeley.edu or 643-0705.
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