

News briefs

16 October 2002 | CALS Project seeks volunteer tutors
The next tutor training for CALS Project volunteers begins Nov. 13.

The CALS Project brings one-on-one and small-group tutoring to campus employees who want to improve their writing, speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and/or math skills. A program description, including the tutor-training schedule, is available online at

For information, contact Jane Griswold at 643-5280 or

California’s First Lady to address education
California’s First Lady, Sharon Davis, will speak on campus at 2:30 p.m. this Friday, Oct. 18, in the auditorium of the Hearst Memorial Mining Building. She will speak about education and take questions from the audience. The event, sponsored by the Campus Democrats, is open to all students, faculty, and staff.

CSAC looks for new staff members
The Chancellor’s Staff Advisory Committee (CSAC), a confidential committee that advises the chancellor and campus administration on non-bargainable staff issues, is recruiting new members to serve three-year terms beginning in Jan. 2003. The application deadline is Friday, Nov. 8. All non-academic career employees, with the exception of executive-tier appointees, are eligible.

Information sessions for staff interested in applying will be held at noon on Wednesday, Oct. 23; Tuesday, Oct. 29; and Monday, Nov. 4, in 3335 Dwinelle Hall (Level F).

For information, see, or contact Laurie Kossoff at or Anne Aaboe at

Grants offered for junior faculty members
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Paul Gray has announced the availability of two sets of grants in the Junior Ladder Faculty Development Program.

The deadline for applications to the Junior Faculty Mentor Grant Program is Nov. 27.

Awards will also be made for the Career Development Grant Program, for the 2003-04 academic year. The deadline for receipt of applications is Dec. 6.

For information, contact Angelica Stacy, associate vice provost for faculty equity, at or 642-1935.

Campus units to share recognition successes
The campus community is invited to learn about successful employee-recognition practices at a panel presentation on “Recognition Strategies for A Diverse Workforce.” The event will be held from 12:10 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 23, in 370 Dwinelle Hall.

The Workplace Success Stories Recognition Program will bring together representatives from five campus departments to talk about workplace recognition practices have resulted in im-proved work environments. A facilitated Q&A segment will follow the panel discussion.

The event is sponsored by the Office of Human Resources’ Staff Equity and Diversity Services (formerly the Staff Affirmative Action Office). For information, call 642-5002 or e-mail

Scholars ponder role of performance art
What was involved, around 1970, in the decision to make art with one’s body? What strategies had to be adopted — whether in siting, shaping the work, or documenting it — to ensure that its audience would recognize it as art?

A free, day-long campus symposium, “Visual Art in a Performative Mode,” will take up such questions on Saturday, Oct. 19. Participants will look at performance art within a history of avant-garde art practice since 1965.

The symposium will be held from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., in 112 Wurster Hall. For a schedule, see

Ellsberg speaks Oct. 23 on secrecy, freedom
In 1971, foreign-policy analyst Daniel Ellsberg became the most important whistleblower of the 20th century when he leaked the Pentagon Papers to the national media — setting in motion a chain of events that unraveled the Nixon presidency and eventually brought an end to the Vietnam War.

On Wednesday, Oct. 23, he will tell his inside story and, with a panel of noted scholars, discuss how the lessons of the Vietnam era apply today. The event will be held at 8 p.m. in Zellerbach Auditorium.

For information, see the Goldman School of Public Policy website, To order tickets, at $10 for students, $18 for others, see

Underrepresented-student increases seen at UC law, med schools
The proportion of under-represented students enrolled at UC law and medical schools increased significantly this year, according to UC Office of the President.

Better recruitment, strong graduate outreach programs, and the declining cost of housing in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles are believed to have helped drive the enrollment gains for African American, American Indian, and Chicano/Latino students.

For information, and a link to statistics on UC graduate enrollment, see

For the record
An Oct. 10 Berkeleyan article on increased fees for health-care benefits gave an incorrect date for the campus’s 2002 Open Enrollment Fair. The fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday, Nov. 18, at International House.


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