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Faculty experts



Andrew ScharlachAndrew Scharlach
Professor of social welfare, director of the Center for the Advanced Study of Aging Services
Phone: (510) 642-0126
Email: scharlac@berkeley.edu
Media Relations contact: Yasmin Anwar, (510) 643-7944 or yanwar@berkeley.edu
Expertise: Aging services and issues; care-giving; work/family issues; death, dying, and bereavement.

Meredith MinklerMeredith Minkler
Professor of public health
Phone: (510) 642-4397
Email: mink@berkeley.edu
Media Relations contact: Sarah Yang at (510) 643-7741 or scyang@berkeley.edu
Expertise: Grandparents as care-givers, gerontology, community support for aging


Ronald LeeRonald Lee
Professor of demography and economics, director of UC Berkeley's Center for the Demography and Economics of Aging
Phone: (510) 642-4535
Email: rlee@demog.berkeley.edu
Media Relations contact: Yasmin Anwar, (510) 643-7944 or yanwar@berkeley.edu
Expertise: Demographics of aging, Social Security, intergenerational economics.

Larry RosenthalLarry Rosenthal
Executive director of the Berkeley Program on Housing and Urban Policy, Goldman School of Public Policy
Phone: (510) 643-3507
Email: lar@berkeley.edu
Media Relations contact: Kathleen Maclay at (510) 643-5651 or kmaclay@berkeley.edu
Expertise: Land use and housing for an aging society.


William SatarianoWilliam Satariano
Professor of public health and epidemiologist
Phone: (510) 642-6641
Email: bills@berkeley.edu
Media Relations contact: Sarah Yang at (510) 643-7741 or scyang@berkeley.edu
Expertise: Epidemiology of aging, exercise among older populations, disabilities.

William JagustWilliam Jagust
Professor of public health and neuroscience
Phone: (510) 643-6537
Email: jagust@berkeley.edu
Media Relations contact: Sarah Yang at (510) 643-7741 or scyang@berkeley.edu
Expertise: Brain aging, dementia, including Alzheimer’s.


Judith CampisiJudith Campisi
Senior scientist at Lawrence-Berkeley National Laboratory
Email: jcampisi@lbl.gov
Media Relations contact: Lynn Yarris at (510) 486-5375 or lcyarris@lbl.gov
Expertise: Molecular, cellular and evolutionary biology of aging and cancer, as well as role of telomeres-based proteins.

George BrooksGeorge Brooks
Professor of integrative biology
Phone: (510) 642-2861
Email: gbrooks@berkeley.edu
Media Relations contact: Robert Sanders at (510) 643-6998 or rlsanders@berkeley.edu
Expertise: Bioenergetics, the role of physical education in aging and the prevention and treatment of aging.


Ruzena BajcsyRuzena Bajcsy
Professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences and director of CITRIS
Phone: (510) 642-9423
Email: bajcsy@eecs.berkeley.edu
Media Relations contact: Sarah Yang at (510) 643-7741 or scyang@berkeley.edu
Expertise: Technologies, including electronic sensors, to aid the elderly to live independently at home.

Thomas BudingerThomas Budinger
Professor of bioengineering, electrical engineering and computer science
Faculty senior scientist, Lawrence-Berkeley National Laboratory
Phone: (510) 642-5833
Email: budinger@berkeley.edu
Media Relations contact: Robert Sanders at (510) 643-6998 or rlsanders@berkeley.edu
Expertise: Imaging technologies and the rehabilitation and regeneration of tissue.

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