Corporate ethics
BUSINESSBenjamin E. Hermalin
Professor of business and economics, Haas School of Business; Willis H. Booth Professor of Banking and Finance
Haas Economic Analysis and Policy Group
Hermalin's research has focused on corporate governance, particularly the use of incentive pay, executive compensation, and boards of directors.
(510) 642-6474
Gary Pieroni
Lecturer, Haas School of Business
Teaching summer course at 3:30-6 p.m. Monday/Wednesday/Thursday on intermediate financial accounting in which he and students are discussing current issues surrounding U.S. accounting procedures.
Christine Rosen
Associate Professor, Haas School of Business, Business and Public Policy Group and Socially Responsible Business
Rosen's research focuses on American business history, American urban history and corporate environmental management. She teaches a course on history of the American business system, looking at the development of large corporations, corporate governance, ethics and regulation. She also teaches a course on corporate environmental strategy and management, emphasizing management strategies and tools that can help firms gain a competitive edge while reducing environmental impacts.
(510) 642-8695
Richard Buxbaum
Jackson H. Ralston Professor of International Law
Buxbaum publishes in the fields of corporate law and comparative and international law. He has served on various state and national committees engaged in the drafting and review of corporate and securities legislation.
(510) 642-1771