UC Berkeley News


Jesse Choper
Earl Warren Professor of Public Law, former dean of Boalt Hall (1982–1992)

Constitutional law, federalism, church and state, U.S. Supreme Court decisions.

(510) 642-0339
E-mail: choperj@law.berkeley.edu

Additional contacts:
Susan Gluss, law school media relations: (510) 642-6936, sgluss@law.berkeley.edu
Roxanne Makasdjian, broadcast: (510) 642-6051, roxannem@berkeley.edu

Choper, known as a moderate, has commented on a wide array of issues for local, state and national media, from the search through Laci Peterson’s house for evidence to the U.S. Supreme Court’s tackling of the Pledge of Allegiance to a new federal law allowing police to search vehicles traveling on airport roads. He is very comfortable doing press interviews. Recently, he was interviewed at length on CBS Evening News about the Pledge of Allegiance case. Choper has done NewsHour, Nightline, and more. He has been quoted in many newspapers across the country including The New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal. He has participated in programs featured on C-Span.

His major publications include the books, "Judicial Review and the National Political Process: A Functional Reconsideration of the Role of the Supreme Court" (1980), and "Securing Religious Liberty: Principles for Judicial Interpretation of the Religion Clauses" (1995). He is also a co-author of two widely used casebooks in the fields of constitutional law, now in its ninth edition, and corporation law, in its sixth edition.

Choper’s more recent publications include the second edition of "The Supreme Court and Its Justices" and "Taming Congress's Power Under the Commerce Clause: What Does the Near Future Portend?" in the Arkansas Law Review (2002).

He teaches constitutional law and corporation law.

Jesse Choper

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