UC Berkeley News
Science / Health Policy

Science / Health Policy

Stephen Shortell
Dean of the School of Public Health, Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor of Health Policy and Management

Managed care; HMOs, integrated health systems; physician groups; doctors; quality and outcome of care; community and health improvement studies; mergers, acquisitions and consolidations.

(510) 643-5346
E-mail: shortell@berkeley.edu

Additional contacts:
Sarah Yang, Media Relations: (510) 643-7741
Roxanne Makasdjian, broadcast: (510) 642-6051, roxannem@berkeley.edu

Shortell is an expert on organized health delivery systems in the United States. He has done extensive research on institutional incentives for improving quality of care and health outcomes, particularly when related to the management of patients with chronic illness. He can also discuss the impact of budget cuts on the delivery of healthcare services, including community services.