UC Berkeley News
National Security

National Security

Doug Tygar
Professor of computer science and information management

Computer security, privacy and electronic commerce.

(510) 643-7855
E-mail: tygar@cs.berkeley.edu

Additional contacts:
Sarah Yang, Media Relations: (510) 643-7741
Roxanne Makasdjian, broadcast: (510) 642-6051, roxannem@berkeley.edu

His current research includes strong privacy protections, security issues in sensor webs, and digital rights management. His newest book is "Secure Broadcast Communication in Wired and Wireless Networks" (with Adrian Perrig). He designed cryptographic postage standards for the U.S. Postal Service and has helped build a number of security and electronic commerce systems including Strongbox, Dyad, Netbill, and Micro-Tesla. He serves as chair of the Defense Department's ISAT Study Group on Security with Privacy.

He has been quoted by such media outlets as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, and San Francisco Chronicle, as well as with the broadcast outlets BBC and CBS.

Doug Tygar

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