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Faculty experts


Michael Burawoy
Professor of Sociology
Office phone: (510) 642-4575 (leave messages)
Email: burawoy@socrates.berkeley.edu
Interview topics: Attitudes toward the United States in a global context; fabric of modern society, fragility of modern society.

Richard Buxbaum
Professor of law, expert on international law
Office phone: (510) 642-1771
Interview topic: Financial aspects of terrorism, particularly in the area of insurance and the financial sector.

David Caron
Professor of law
Office phone: (510) 642-7249
Interview topics: International law, extradition, use of force.

Jesse Choper
Professor of law, expert on Constitutional law, civil rights, civil liberties, war, business (corporations, stocks), government (Congress).
Office phone: (510) 642-0339
Interview topics: Potential restrictions on civil liberties, government liability, the Constitutional power of the government to act - such as passing laws, declaring war - in these circumstances.

Len Duhl, M.D.
Len Duhl, M.D. Psychiatrist, UC Berkeley professor of public health and urban planning, professor of psychiatry at UC San Francisco
Office phone: (510) 642-1715
Interview topic: How people cope with trauma and stress.

Neil Fligstein
Professor of sociology, head of the Center for Culture, Organization and Politics, expert on economic sociology and the politics and organization of large modern corporations
Office phone: (510) 642-6567
Interview topics: Culture clash between American corporate values and other cultures, including those in the Islamic world.

Jack Glaser
Assistant professor of public policy
Office phone: (510) 642-3047
Email: glaserj@socrates.berkeley.edu
Interview topics: Relationship between recent terrorist incidents and their aftermath to hate crimes, stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination, and racial profiling.

Geoffrey Gosling
Assistant research engineer at the National Center for Excellence in Aviation Operations Research (NEXTOR), which is based at UC Berkeley and funded by the Federal Aviation Administration and the Air Transportation Association
Office phone: (510) 642-9064
Interview topics: Airport security; NEXTOR's research on machines that detect explosives and on the security of checked baggage.

Amy Gurowitz
Lecturer in political science
Office phone: (510) 642-4691
Email: gurowitz@uclink.berkeley.edu
Interview topics: The need to think long-term about U.S. strategies and to question the underlying causes of terrorism directed at the United States; just war/rules of conduct for military action.

Andrew Guzman
Acting professor of law
Office phone: (510) 642-8074
Interview topics: International law, international business.

Mark Hansen
Associate professor of civil and environmental engineering
Office phone; (510) 642-2880
Email: hansen@ce.berkeley.edu
Interview topics: How the airline industry has thought about security surrounding domestic flights, which typically are considered less susceptible to such attacks than are international flights; airport operations; economic impact of the terrorist bombings on airline industry.

Dacher Keltner
Professor of social psychology
Office phone: (510) 642-5368
Email: keltner@socrates.berkeley.edu
Interview topics: The role of laughter during trauma and mourning; the importance of positive emotions; emotional expressiveness and psychological adjustment.

Michael Nacht
Professor of Public Policy and former Aaron Wildavsky Dean at the Goldman School of Public Policy
Office phone: (510) 643-4038
Media Relations: (510) 643-5651
Email: mnacht@berkeley.edu
An expert on national security and counter-terrorism, Nacht served a three-year term as a member of the U.S. Department of Defense Threat Reduction Advisory Committee, for which he chaired panels on counter terrorism and counter proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, reporting to the deputy secretary of defense. He consults with Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories on national security and homeland defense.

Jerry Sanders
Lecturer in Peace and Conflict Studies
Office phone: (510) 643-8650
Email: jsanders@uclink4.berkeley.edu
Interview topics: Alternative ways of assessing the current international conflict, political culture and credibility, what makes a terrorist.

Eric Stover
Director of UC Berkeley's Human Rights Center, adjunct professor in the Division of Health and Medical Sciences, former executive director of Physicians for Humans Rights. Stover is the author of a 2005 book, "My Neighbor, My Enemy," that explores how communities rebuild themselves after war and mass atrocity and what contributions, if any, criminal trials make to that process. He is an expert on medical and social consequences of war; forensic sciences and human rights; and justice and reconstruction in the aftermath of genocide and other forms of mass violence. He has worked identifying mass graves in Bosnia.
Office phone: (510) 642-0965
Interview topics: The daunting task of identifying bodies and the trauma of families searching for missing loved ones.

David Wagner
Assistant professor of computer science. Has researched security weaknesses in e-commerce and wireless networks.
Office phone: (510) 642-2758
Email: daw@cs.berkeley.edu
Interview topics: Internet security, the difficulty of tracking communication on the Internet among members of terrorist groups.

Steven Weber
Professor of political science and director of the Institute of International Studies
Office phone: (510) 643-3755
Cell phone: (510) 928-0657
Media relations: (510) 643-5651
Email: steve_weber@berkeley.edu
Weber has held academic fellowships with the Council on Foreign Relations, and worked with the U.S. State Department and other government agencies on foreign policy issues, risk analysis and forecasting. In 2000, he was a consultant to the U.S. Commission on National Security in the 21st Century.

Robb Willer
Assistant professor of sociology
Office phone: (607) 339-6466 (leave messages)
Email: willer@berkeley.edu
Interview topics: Effects of terrorism on U.S. public opinion; terror alerts; terrorism and the presidency.

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