Around Cal

Berkeley Magazine, Summer 1999


Haas Pavilion--the grand, $48 million reconstruction of Harmon Gym that's been underway for two years -- will open on August 17, just in time for the fall semester.

The arena's seating capacity will increase from 6,000 to 12,100, qualifying it as a site for NCAA basketball tournaments. Ceiling height will be raised to almost 100 feet--a 50 percent increase.

The building's 250,000 square feet, superimposed on about a third of the original 1931 structure, also will include classrooms, offices for coaches and staff members, locker rooms and training areas.

The lead donor for the project is the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr., Fund. Other major donors are Ned and Carol Spieker and Brian and Jennifer Maxwell. All those funding the pavilion will be feted there on Sept. 17 and 18.

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