Around Cal

Berkeley Magazine, Summer 1999


The appointment last fall of Edward Denton as UC Berkeley's vice chancellor for capital projects, a new position, brings to six the number of vice chancellors on campus.

Denton, former vice president of national facilities services at Kaiser Permanente, is coordinating the campus's massive seismic retrofitting program, estimated to cost $1 billion over a 20-year period. As head of the Office of Planning, Design & Construction, he also is in charge of ongoing capital improvements and a multimillion dollar backlog of deferred campus maintenance.

One of Denton's fellow vice chancellors also is a newcomer to the group. Last February, Don McQuade, a Berkeley English professor, became vice chancellor for university relations. The overseer of campus fund raising and public affairs operations, McQuade now leads the $1.1 billion Campaign for the New Century -- among the most ambitious private fund-raising efforts of any public university. He also supervises campus communications, media relations and government affairs.

The other four vice chancellors are Horace Mitchell, business and administrative services; Joseph Cerny, research; James Hyatt, resource planning and budget; and Genaro Padilla, undergraduate affairs.

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