Berkeley - With
nearly $9.5 million in support from President Clinton's Information
Technology Research program, University of California, Berkeley,
scientists and engineers are embarking on studies to answer some
of today's vexing questions surrounding computers and the Internet.
Why do software applications crash so frequently? Why do computer
clusters, called servers, go down more often as maintenance
costs skyrocket? How do we insure that the Internet evolves
to remain as successful as it is today?
UC Berkeley computer scientists are among the recipients of
eight separate grants announced today (Wed., Sept. 13) by the
National Science Foundation, part of a new $90 million federal
program to support research on information technology. Five
of these grants, totaling nearly $7.4 million over the next
five years, will fund projects led by UC Berkeley faculty. UC
Berkeley computer scientists are collaborators on three other
projects that will bring about $2.07 million to the campus over
the next five years.
"These UC Berkeley research groups have a significant track
record of success in changing the industry, and they're now
tackling a new challenge," said Christos H. Papadimitriou, acting
chair of the computer science division in the UC Berkeley College
of Engineering and the C. Lester Hogan Professor of Computer
In all, the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced grants
for 62 large projects averaging $1 million per year for three
to five years, plus 148 smaller projects of $500,000 or less
for up to three years.
The NSF expects continued funding to support these grants
and has asked for $190 million of additional funding in the
next fiscal year.
"This initiative will help strengthen America's leadership
in a sector that has accounted for one-third of U.S. economic
growth in recent years," said President Clinton.
Projects that have come out of the UC Berkeley Department
of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences and into general
use include the Berkeley UNIX operating system, widely used
today on computer workstations and for Web services; RISC chips,
at the heart of the Power PC and used in the computer-aided
design of chips; RAID, used in many hard disk systems today;
and ideas for linking computers together to form large networks
of workstations.
One of the new projects, with a budget of $2.4 million and
a collaboration with Mills College in Oakland, Calif., will
look at the reliability of clusters of thousands of computers
commonly used today by Internet companies like Yahoo and Inktomi
to index the Internet. Another, budgeted at $2.5 million over
three years, will focus on a problem that has been intractable
for more than 20 years: buggy software. The third, funded by
$1.5 million over five years, will explore ways of relieving
congestion on the Internet, including financial incentives.
Last year, Clinton's Information Technology Advisory Committee
(PITAC) recommended an "increased federal investment (in information
technology) to maintain the U.S. lead in this important sector
of the global economy," noted NSF director Rita Colwell in announcing
the Information Technology Research awards. The $90 million
in awards responds to these recommendations, she said, funding
projects that "represent major innovations in information technology,
rather than routine applications of existing technology."
For a complete list of ITR awards and project abstracts, see
For the PITAC report, see
Projects led by
UC Berkeley include:
Preventing server crashes
Taming the Data Flood: Systems that Evolve, are Available and
$2,399,802 over three years
Networks of computer workstations, numbering in the thousands,
have become common in the Internet age. Yahoo alone uses thousands
of computers to index the Internet.
But keeping these server systems running and reliable has
become an expensive problem. As computer hardware has become
more reliable, system and operator errors have become the major
causes of server crashes. Operator error alone may account for
40 percent of system crashes. Plus, human maintenance costs
have grown to become nearly 95 percent of the cost of operating
a system.
"These computer systems are designed to scale up easily, but
two of the big problems are that human costs become extravagantly
high as they grow bigger, and they don't work all that well
- they go down a lot," said David Patterson, UC Berkeley professor
of computer science and principal investigator for the grant
along with UC Berkeley computer scientists Katherine Yelick
and John Kubiatowicz. "The problem of attaining peak performance,
which has dominated the research agenda for the past 20 years,
will be secondary to concerns of availability, maintainability
and evolutionary growth in the PostPC era, where computers must
cope with the flood of new data and yet be much more dependable
and maintainable."
In collaboration with computer science professor Matthew Merzbacher
at Mills College in Oakland, Calif., Patterson and his UC Berkeley
colleagues plan to test ways of making computer servers cheaper
to maintain and more available, even in the presence of hardware
or programming bugs. One possibility is to purposely introduce
flaws into computer systems to see how they recover and to design
them to be rugged in the presence of these flaws. This might
involve software that senses and automatically repairs data.
Patterson already is exploring these options in a current
project called I-STORE.
"I've become aware of the I-STORE project and find it very
intriguing," said Dr. Winfried W. Wilcke, program director for
Silicon Valley of the IBM Research Division. "It squarely addresses
the real issues in highly scalable systems of today and the
foreseeable future." Patterson hopes the ideas they develop
will trickle down to home computers and make them more reliable,
The collaboration with Mills, an all-women's college, is designed
to increase interactions between faculty and both undergraduate
and graduate students at the two institutions.
"We're hoping the cross pollination will be good for both
sides, and that this will create opportunities for women in
computer science at Cal that aren't there now," Merzbacher said.
Getting the bugs out before software release
The Open Source Quality Project
$2,499,923 over three years
As computer programs have become bigger and more complex,
bugs have proliferated. It is estimated that the Windows NT
operating system has about a million bugs in its 10 million
lines of code, each an opportunity for a computer crash. Even
programs like the Linux operating system, which are open-source
- the computer code has been published for all to see and improve
- have numerous bugs, perhaps more than proprietary codes.
UC Berkeley computer science professor Alex Aiken is leading
an effort with his UC Berkeley computer science colleagues,
professor Thomas A. Henzinger and assistant professor George
Necula, along with David Schmidt of Kansas State University,
to study open source programs like Linux and find ways to improve
their reliability.
"We want to prevent the release of buggy code, which requires
new upgrades all the time," said Aiken. "We believe we can design
tools to find bugs in existing programs more cheaply than it
can be done now, and help people change the way they write code
so it's less buggy in the first place."
Linux is the first open source code they plan to look at.
They will concentrate initially on the parts of the code that
are the most difficult to program and to test, those dealing
with device drivers - the code that tells the computer how to
deal with peripheral devices.
The problem of buggy device drivers has implications for security
also, Necula said. With device drivers, you often don't know
who wrote specific sections, and whether or not they inserted
a Trojan horse that could allow unauthorized entry into your
"We hope to act as quality assurance for the open source movement,"
Necula said. "This could greatly improve the software development
Scaling the Internet without bringing it to a halt
Collaborative Research: Scalable Services for the Global Network
$1,493,661 over five years
As Internet usage ramps upward, the World Wide Web sometimes
seems like the World Wide Wait. New and resource-demanding applications,
ranging from videoconferencing and multimedia Webcasting to
distributed gaming, promise to bring the Internet to a standstill
in the not too distant future.
John Chuang, an assistant professor in UC Berkeley's School
of Information Management & Systems, and three colleagues will
develop new network services to support these and other types
of networking applications. The grant also involves computer
scientists Edward Knightly of Rice University, Jorg Liebeherr
of the University of Virginia, and Hui Zhang of Carnegie Mellon
Bringing data closer to the users is a recurring theme in
this project. For example, local caching of frequently requested
Web pages and audio and video files can eliminate duplication
of traffic and improve user-perceived response times. Intelligent
management of network resources allows the distribution of live,
quality video and audio that don't break up.
The primary design criterion for any solution, however, is
scalability - that is, that the solution still works as Internet
use increases.
"We want to develop solutions that can scale up to accommodate
future growth of the Internet," Chuang said, "but our solutions
also have to be incrementally deployable over the current Internet."
Solutions might involve economic incentives, as well, including
Internet pricing.
"We are taking a novel, multidisciplinary approach to this
problem, and we believe that well designed pricing schemes for
network services can be effective in encouraging efficient use
of the Internet," he said.
If the Internet is the answer, what it the question?
Analysis of Internet algorithms: Optimization, game theory and
competitive analysis
$499,774 for three years
Four theoretical computer scientists are teaming up to find
out why the Internet works so well, and to develop principles
that could guide its future evolution.
One particular question involves traffic control on the Internet.
A protocol called TCP/IP, developed by Van Jacobson, then at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, works beautifully today,
slowing traffic as it builds so as to guarantee as much access
as possible. UC Berkeley computer scientists David Karp and
Christos H. Papadimitriou, in collaboration with Scott Shenker
of the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley
and Elias Koutsoupias of UCLA, will explore the mathematical
details of TCP/IP and attempt to place it on a firmer foundation.
"We believe TCP/IP is great, but why is it great? There is
no mathematics to explain this," Papadimitriou said. "It's a
very difficult problem, but if we knew the mathematical foundations,
then when the protocol needs to be updated, we could know what
to do next."
Debugging the compiler
Translation Validation for Advanced Compiler Optimizations
$499,554 for three years
Even if programmers write a perfect piece of software, bugs
in the compiler - which translates program instructions into
commands the computer can understand - can screw it up. George
Necula, assistant professor of computer science at UC Berkeley,
thinks he has a way to find and flag these compiler bugs so
they can be fixed.
Compilers are used primarily by software developers and programmers,
though many Web browsers incorporate a Java compiler. Nevertheless,
improvements in compilers would affect everyone, including the
end user.
"It's very, very hard to find these kinds of errors in compilers,"
Necula said. "We want to explore and perfect our tool so we
can deploy it broadly to help developers find bugs, and allow
the safe use of more aggressive optimizations in compilers."
Necula's goal by the end of the project is to provide his
compiler checker with GNU C, a free, open source compiler used
by tens of thousands of developers around the world.
involving UC Berkeley collaborators:
Creating dynamic images on the Internet
Interacting with the visual world: Capturing, understanding
and predicting appearance
$3.5 million over five years, $621,000 of that total for UC
Principal investigator: Shree Nayar of Columbia University
UC Berkeley collaborator: Jitendra Malik, professor of computer
The project goal is to make pictures and video on the Web
more dynamic, so users can freely explore, interact with and
create variations of the physical world being presented. Malik,
whose expertise is computer vision, is developing ways to enhance
the two-dimensional information in pictures and video to create
three-dimensional images with information on appearance, too.
Then the user can view the scene from a different perspective
or under different lighting conditions. This could help in architectural
design and distance learning, and provide greater realism in
virtual environments and multimedia entertainment.
Profiling the user for better service
IM Data Centers - Managing Data with Profiles
$3 million over 5 years, $800,000 of which goes to UC Berkeley
Principal investigator: Stan Zdonik, Brown University
UC Berkeley collaborator: Michael Franklin, associate professor
of computer science
If computer networks could keep track of your on-line needs
- when, where and how you use the Internet - they could be faster
and more responsive. Michael Franklin and his colleagues want
to explore the added services that user profiles can provide,
such as speeding data recharging - a term that refers to connecting
to a computer network to update e-mail, calendar, news, and
more. "We want to make recharging data on a portable device
as simple as recharging the power," he said. User information
also could help system managers better allocate resources.
Creating a global scientific network
Griphyn - Grid Physics Network
$12 million over 5 years, $650,000 of it for UC Berkeley
Principal investigator: Paul Avery, University of Florida
UC Berkeley collaborator: Michael Franklin, associate professor
of computer science
In the largest project funded by NSF, physicists and computer
scientists from around the country will collaborate to build
a global infrastructure that will let scientists share data
and results of computer simulations. UC Berkeley's Michael Franklin
will direct work on a coherent architecture to allow data delivery
on the scale of petabytes of information.