Spirits: Hundreds of kids living where the streets aren't
safe will be bused to the University of California,
Berkeley, for Halloween trick-or-treating at undergraduates'
residence halls from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, Oct.
30, and at fraternity and sorority houses from 3 p.m.
to 5 p.m. on Halloween (Oct. 31). "It's all student
orchestrated," said Vic Culatta, associate director
of UC Berkeley's Residential & Family Living. "Cal students
wanted to do something for these kids who otherwise
might not have anything." Children ages 8 to 12 from
Bay Area elementary schools and after-school programs
will take part in ghost stories, haunted houses, candy
collecting and other Halloween activities. For further
information on the fraternity and sorority program,
contact Tom Durein, campus Greek advisor, at (510) 642-8067.
To reach residence hall program coordinators, contact
Culatta at (510) 643-5017 or residence hall association
president Jeremy Chien at (510) 643-9741.
Magic: Spellcasting, divination, self-transformation.
Wicca, voodoo, kabbala. UC Berkeley's class on the history,
philosophy and modern practice of "magick," launched
and taught by UC Berkeley students, is a hot item this
semester, with full enrollment and guests ranging from
high-ranking members of magical orders to scientists
speaking on mystical experiences as science understands
them. Course requirements are "an open mind, sense of
humor and sincere interest," but "no experience necessary,"
says student course coordinator Marta Napiorkowska.
She can be reached at marta777@uclink4.berkeley.edu.
Grossest Halloween Party: Children are invited to join
"mad" scientists at UC Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science
on Saturday, October 28, in creating gross concoctions
and viewing creatures of the night in a new exhibit.
The Family Halloween Party from 6:30 to 9 p.m. will
feature instructor Sylvia Branzei teaching "grossology"
lessons in the science labs, while the ongoing "In the
Dark" exhibit explores the mysteries of nocturnal creatures,
cave dwellers and others. Reservations are required.
For ticket prices, call (510) 642-5132 or sign up at
Haunting Advice: UC Berkeley parents recommend everything
from the best pumpkin farms and trick-or-treat neighborhoods
to costume ideas and "healthy" Halloween treats on the
UC Berkeley Parents Network advice center. This center
on the Internet shares parenting advice on many topics
and is run by UC Berkeley students, staff and faculty
who are themselves parents of young, school-age and
teenage children. Halloween advice is available at http://parents.berkeley.edu:80/advice/holidays/.