

REPORTERS Re: Fatal house fire that claimed the life of UC Berkeley
student Bradley Evans
Jan 2001
UC Berkeley
Chancellor Robert M. Berdahl, who is traveling and away from
the University of California, Berkeley, said word of Sunday's
house fire reached him this morning. "This is such very tragic
news. Our prayers are with Bradley Evans' family and friends.
Such a loss is so hard for us all to comprehend, but we are
enormously grateful that Oakland firefighters and neighbors
responded so quickly and that the others in the house escaped
grave injury."
Evans, 23, was a senior at UC Berkeley, majoring in psychology.
He also worked for the UC Police Department as a community
service officer, providing night security patrol and other
services. The Evans family, of Newport Beach, will hold a
memorial service for Bradley at 3:30 p.m. Friday (Feb. 2)
at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach in Orange
County. UC Berkeley's flags will be lowered on Friday in honor
of Bradley's memory.
Brent Steele,
23, who also was injured in the fire, remains in guarded but
stable condition at Highland Hospital. Brent, a political
economy of industrial societies major, completed his studies
at UC Berkeley last fall. Brent and Bradley graduated together
from Corona del Mar High School in Orange County.
other individuals were in the home at the time of the fire,
but did not sustain significant injuries.
Berdahl added that the campus's housing office and student
health services stand ready to help any of the students who
need assistance.
