


Seductions, Pressures, Identities and Transformations: Perspectives on Work
Assignment Editors
12 March 2001
Patricia McBroom, Media Relations
(510) 643-7944
WHAT: "Seductions, Pressures, Identities and Transformations: Perspectives on Work," a day-long conference featuring prominent sociologists and graduate students from the University of California, Berkeley, Harvard and other universities. The conference will bring together research from around the country on work, the lure of work and the consequences of overwork.
WHEN: Friday, March 16, 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; keynote address at 2 p.m.
WHERE: Room 370, Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley
WHO: Harvard economist and author of "The Overworked American" Juliet Schor will give the keynote address, and UC Berkeley sociologists Arlie Hochschild, Neil Fligstein and Kim Voss will participate as panelists in the evening session.
BACKGROUND: Sponsored by The Berkeley Journal of Sociology, now in its 46th year as an annual graduate student-run research journal, this free public conference will produce papers to be published in its 2000-2001 issue. Unique among research journals for publishing the work of graduate students in sociology and related fields from anywhere in the country, the journal has published the graduate work of many current leaders in the field.Click here to view the conference schedule
