

Annual Review of the Presidency
Assignment Desks
09 April 2001
Janet Gilmore, Media Relations
(510) 642-5685
WHAT: The "Annual Review of the Presidency," an event sponsored by the University of California, Berkeley's Institute of Governmental Studies.Senior advisors, journalists, and academic experts will give insight, analysis and behind-the-scenes views about topics including President Bush's response to the standoff with China; the economy; Congressional handling of the Bush tax cut proposal; campaign finance reform; the final days of the Clinton presidency; and the Florida presidential election recount results.
WHEN: Monday, April 16, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
WHERE: Dwinelle Hall, Room 155, UC Berkeley.
WHO: Scheduled participants include:
* Andrei Cherny, former speechwriter for President
* Martin Anderson, Hoover Institution Fellow, transition advisor to President Bush and former special assistant to President Reagan. * Nelson Polsby, UC Berkeley political science professor and author of "Presidential Elections." * Richard Berke, The New York Times' chief political correspondent. * Terri Bimes, presidential historian and visiting lecturer in the UC Berkeley political science department.
