

Janet Reno to speak at UC Berkeley's upcoming Commencement Convocation
City Desks
07 May 2001
Media Relations
(510) 642-3734
WHAT: A keynote speech by former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno at the University of California, Berkeley's upcoming Commencement Convocation, a gathering that honors all graduating seniors.
WHEN: Wednesday, May 9, 4 p.m. The event, which includes colorful processions of students and faculty members in regalia, the presentation of awards, and several speeches, is scheduled to conclude shortly before 6 p.m.
WHERE: The Greek Theatre, UC Berkeley. The amphitheater is on Gayley Road, near Memorial Stadium.
WHO: In addition to Reno, who was invited to speak at the event by graduating seniors, 21-year-old Christine Ng will address graduates and their families. The civil and environmental engineering major will receive this year's University Medal, given to the top graduating senior. Participating in the procession of graduating seniors will be Victoria Nguyen, a mother of three who fled Vietnam at age 17 after spending seven years in a concentration camp. Now a 40-year-old mother of three, she will receive on May 12 her degree in integrative biology, despite suffering from serious medical conditions.
