

4th Annual Leading Edge Technology Conference
18 September 2001
Ute Frey
(510) 642-0342
WHAT: The 4th annual Leading Edge Technology Conference, organized by Haas School of Business students at the University of California, Berkeley. The event will bring together entrepreneurs, business leaders, alumni, and students to discuss technology-powered business innovation in the marketplace today and in the future.
WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 22, 2001, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
WHERE: Haas School of Business, Arthur Andersen Auditorium, UC Berkeley. The Haas School is located on Gayley Road between Hearst Avenue and Bancroft Way
WHO: Keynote speakers at the conference include: * Arun Sarin, CEO of Accel-KKR Telecom and former CEO of both Infospace and the United States and Asia Pacific regions of Vodaphone. He will give the lunchtime keynote (1:00 - 1:45 p.m.) * Brian Bogosian, president & CEO of Visto Corporation. He will give the closing keynote (4:45-6:00 p.m.)At the Technologists Futurists Forum, held from 9:15 -10:45 a.m., speakers include: * John Gage, chief researcher at Sun Microsystems * Bob Bauer, director at Xerox Parc * Bob Mittman, director of Institute for the Future * Ned Desmond, president and editor of Business 2.0 (Moderator)
BACKGROUND: In addition to the Technology Futurists Forum, panel discussions will be held on topics including nanotechnology, MEMS, eLearning, fuel cell energy technology, biotechnology and wireless. The panels will feature over 20 CEOs, presidents, and founders; representatives of Agilent, Cisco, Hewlett Packard, Veritas, Goldman Sachs; as well as Haas School Professor Severin Borenstein; Will Wright, chief designer and co-founder of Maxis; and Andrew Seybold, founder of the Seybold Group.The EdgeXpo technology fair will offer the opportunity to experience innovation in action. with innovations from the likes of Motorola, Apple, C Technologies, Charmed Technology and Identix. A networking reception will close the event. ###
