D.C. - After 15 years of observation and lots of patience,
the world's premier planet-hunting team has finally found
a planetary system that reminds them of our own solar system.
At a press conference today (Thursday, June 13) at National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) headquarters,
University of California, Berkeley, astronomer Geoffrey
W. Marcy and Carnegie Institution of Washington astronomer
Paul Butler announced the discovery of a Jupiter-like planet
orbiting a sun-like star at nearly the same distance as
Jupiter orbits our sun.
"This is the first near analog to our Jupiter," said Marcy,
professor of astronomy and director of UC Berkeley's Center
for Integrative Planetary Science. "All other extrasolar
planets discovered up to now orbit closer to the parent
star, and most of them have had elongated, eccentric orbits.
This new planet orbits as far from its star as our own Jupiter
orbits the sun.''
The star, 55 Cancri in the constellation Cancer, was already
known to have one planet, which was announced by Butler
and Marcy in 1996. That planet is a gas giant slightly smaller
than the mass of Jupiter, and whips around the star in 14.6
days at a distance only one tenth that from the Earth to
the sun.
Using the 93-million-mile Earth-sun distance as a yardstick,
called an astronomical unit or AU, the newly found planet
orbits at 5.9 AU, comparable to Jupiter's 5.2 AU distance
from the sun. With a mass between 3.5 and 5 times that of
Jupiter, the planet has a slightly elongated orbit that
carries it around the star in about 13 years (5,360 days),
comparable to Jupiter's orbital period of 11.86 years. The
team also reported today a third planet around 55 Cancri,
a gas giant with an orbital radius of 0.24 AU and a mass
of about 0.21 Jupiter masses. That planet orbits in 44.28
"We haven't yet found an exact solar system analog, with
a planet in a circular orbit and a mass closer to that of
Jupiter," Butler said. "But this shows we are getting close,
we are at the point of finding planets at distances greater
than 4 AU from the host star. And we found this planet among
the 107 stars we first targeted when we started looking
for planets at Lick Observatory in 1987, so I think we will
be finding more of them among the 1,200 stars we are now
The planet-hunting team, funded by grants from the National
Science Foundation and NASA, announced a total of 15 new
planets today, including the smallest ever detected: a planet
circling the star HD49674 in the constellation Auriga at
a distance of 0.05 AU - one-twentieth the distance from
the Earth to the sun. Its mass is about 15 percent that
of Jupiter, or nearly half that of Saturn, and 40 times
the mass of the Earth. This brings the total number of known
planets outside the solar system to more than 90.
The team of astronomers passed their data on 55 Cancri
along to theoretical astronomer Greg Laughlin, assistant
professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz,
who conducted dynamical calculations that show an Earth-sized
planet could survive in a stable orbit between the two inner
gas giants and the outer planet.
"We tried a hypothetical configuration of a terrestrial
planet in the habitable zone around one AU from the central
star and found it very stable," said Laughlin, who also
is associated with Lick Observatory. "Just as the other
planets in our solar system tug on the Earth and produce
a chaotic but bounded orbit, so the planets around 55 Cancri
would push and pull an Earthlike planet in a manner that
would not cause any collisions or wild orbital variations."
For the foreseeable future, any such planet in the habitable
zone around 55 Cancri will remain speculative.
"Nevertheless, this planetary system will be the best candidate
for direct pictures when the Terrestrial Planet Finder is
launched later this decade," said UC Berkeley astronomer
Debra A. Fischer, referring to NASA's planned space-borne
imaging telescope designed to take pictures of Earth-sized
The star 55 Cnc is 12.5 parsecs (41 light years) distant
and a middle-aged, 4-7 billion-year-old G8 star rich in
heavy elements like carbon, iron, silicon and sulfur, Fischer
said. The sun is about 5 billion years old, with half that
amount of heavy metals.
Laughlin speculated that the large, inner planets probably
formed farther from the parent star, where ice could form
and rocks accrete to form a solid core, and only migrated
inward after they had scooped up a shroud of gas. This inward
migration is a characteristic of giant planets in a disk
of gas and dust that is typical of forming planetary systems,
he said. They create a spiral wake that actually tugs on
the planet, slowing it down and sending it spiraling inward
toward the star.
"To me, the question is why they stopped before crashing
into the star," Laughlin said. Numerous giant extrasolar
planets have been found in very short-period orbits - 3
to 3.5 days - when, by all rights, they should have spiraled
to a flaming death.
Marcy and Butler originated a sensitive technique for measuring
the slight Doppler shift in starlight caused by a wobble
in the position of a star, a periodic shift due to a planet
yanking on the star as it orbits. From measurements over
a period of years, they are able to infer the period, its
approximate mass and the size of its orbit. Uncertainties
arise because there is no way to determine the orientation
of the orbit - whether we are seeing it edge on, or tilted
to face toward us.
Discovery of a planet orbiting 55 Cnc at the distance of
Jupiter is the culmination of 15 years of observations using
the 3-meter telescope at Lick Observatory, which is owned
and operated by the University of California. Four of the
15 newly found planets were discovered at the 3.9-meter
Anglo-Australian Telescope in New South Wales, Australia.
In addition to the 300 stars the team monitors with the
Lick telescope, the astronomers are following another 650
with the 10-meter Keck Telescope in Hawaii and another 250
southern hemisphere stars with the 3.9-meter AAT. Within
a couple of years, they hope to use the 6.5-meter Magellan
telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile to ramp
up to 2,000 stars, all within 50 parsecs (150 light years)
of Earth.
"This will cover all the good candidates out to 50 parsecs,
so we will know where to look when we have the Terrestrial
Planet Finder and the Space Interferometry Mission, which
will do the first reconnaissance to identify Earth-like
planets," Butler said.
In addition to Marcy, Butler, Fischer and Laughlin, collaborators
on the project include Steve Vogt, professor of astronomy
and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz; Greg Henry of the Center
of Excellence in Information Systems at Tennessee State
University, Nashville; Dimitri Pourbaix of the Institut
d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, Universite' Libre de Bruxelles;
Hugh Jones of the Astrophysics Research Institute at Liverpool
John Moores University in the United Kingdom; Chris Tinney
of the Anglo-Australian Telescope; Chris McCarthy of the
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie Institution
of Washington; Brad Carter of the University of Southern
Queensland, Australia; and Alan Penny of the Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory in the United Kingdom.
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