Add a carillon to your living room with new Campanile CD
28 August 2002
Berkeley - You no longer have to be on or near
the UC Berkeley campus to listen to the carillon bells of the
university's best-known landmark, the Campanile. Now all you
need is a CD player.
new compact disc, "All Hail! Blue and Gold," is the
product of collaboration between the UC Berkeley Music Department
and the Berkeley Historical Society.
it wasn't easy. It took sound engineers more than a year to
record the music played by carillonists Jeff Davis, David Hunsberger,
John Agraz and Ronald Barnes without disruptions from the noise
of campus construction and high winds.
CD includes two renditions of "All Hail! Blue and Gold."
One is played on the original 12-bell chimes by University Carillonist
Jeff Davis; the second is played on the current 61-bell carillon
by John Agraz. Also on the CD is "They're Hanging Danny
Deaver," a song traditionally played just before final
exams, Cal campus songs, a song written by the first faculty
chimesmaster, and "In Memorium," composed by John
Courter shortly after Sept. 11.
CD, which will be available starting Sept. 1, includes 32 pages
of photos and sketches that accompany a written history of the
tower designed by John Galen Howard and built in 1914.
music will be sold at the UC Berkeley Student Store, at shops
along Telegraph Avenue, at the 28th annual Solano Stroll street
fair in Albany and Berkeley on Sept. 8, and at the Berkeley
History Center at 1931 Center St., which is open 1-4 p.m. Thursday
through Saturday.
cost will be $17.50 per CD, tax included. Proceeds will be split
between the UC Berkeley carillon program and the historical
order the CD by mail, send a check for $20 (postage included)
to the Berkeley Historical Society, P.O. Box 1190, Main Post
Office, Berkeley, Calif. 94701.
Kathleen Maclay