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About the Sept. 11 events at UC Berkeley
05 September 2002

The following statement was issued in response to inquiries about the campus's Sept. 11 commemorative events:

UC Berkeley's day of remembrance on Sept. 11 honors the Americans who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks one year ago.

During this day the campus community will hold more than a dozen events and observances, beginning at 5:45 a.m., when the bells of the Campanile will chime at the exact time that the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. The clock tower will also chime to mark the times that the three other planes crashed in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania. At noon, the entire campus will be asked to participate in a moment of silence.

Additional programs, hosted by student groups, faculty and staff, will include an informal interfaith remembrance service, a commemorative theater program, a memorial concert of reflective music, an open microphone on Sproul Plaza for personal expressions of thoughts on the anniversary, and a candlelight vigil.

Coming together to remember those who perished and to honor the heroism of those who tried to save lives expresses our commitment to the shared sense of American spirit on the anniversary of this tragedy.

A complete listing of the breadth of commemorative events on campus is online.
