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FY 2003-04 Budget Planning Committees
University of California, Berkeley
January 31, 2003

Executive Budget Steering Committee

Purpose: This committee will develop strategies and implementation plans for budget and organizational initiatives related to required reductions in the Campus budget for 2003-04. The committee meets weekly and carries the central responsibility for budget initiatives. In developing initiatives and implementation plans, the committee will seek advice from the Council of Deans, the Chancellor’s Cabinet, and from the Budget Advisory Committee.


Chancellor Robert Berdahl (Chair)
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Paul Gray
Academic Senate Chair Catherine Koshland
Academic Senate Vice-Chair Ron Gronsky
Director of Human Resources David Moers
Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance Jim Hyatt
Vice Chancellor for Research Beth Burnside
Vice Chancellor for University Relations Don McQuade
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Genaro Padilla
Vice Chancellor for Business and Administrative Services Horace Mitchell
Vice Chancellor for Capital Projects Ed Denton
Chief of Staff Charles Upshaw (Staff support/coordination)

Executive Budget Steering Committee Working Groups

Purpose: The seven working groups will develop options for making the required budget reductions and enhancements in functional and cross-cutting areas and will submit recommendations to the Executive Budget Steering Committee.


Functional Areas

Academic Programs and Libraries
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Paul R. Gray (Chair)
Vice Provost Jan de Vries
Executive Director Dennis Hengstler
Budget Committee Chair Robert Holub
Academic Senate Chair Catherine Koshland
University Librarian Thomas C. Leonard
Dean Mary Ann Mason
Professor Elaine Tennant
Vice Provost William C. Webster
Graduate Student
Special Assistant Kerry McDermott (Staff support/coordination)

Central Administration, Administrative Services, Academic Support and IST
Vice Chancellor James Hyatt (Chair)
Vice Chancellor Edward Denton
Academic Senate Vice Chair Ronald Gronsky
Associate Vice Chancellor Jack McCredie
Professor Terrence Hendershott
Professor Stephen Mahin
Vice Chancellor Horace Mitchell
Chief of Staff Ann Jeffrey (Staff support/coordination)

Vice Chancellor Beth Burnside (Chair)
Assistant Vice Chancellor Gregory Brown
Professor James Evans
Assistant Vice Chancellor Russell Giambelluca
Academic Senate Chair Catherine Koshland
Associate Vice Chancellor Robert Price
Vice Provost William C. Webster
Chief of Staff Anita Joplin (Staff support/coordination)

Student Services, Outreach, and Public Services
Vice Chancellor Genaro Padilla (Chair)
Associate Vice Chancellor Ron Coley
ASUC Vice President for Academic Affairs Anthony Falcone
Assistant Vice Chancellor Steve Lustig
Vice Provost Christina Maslach
Professor Lorraine T. Midanik
Budget Coordinator Jill Moak
Director Jodie Rouse (Staff support/coordination)

Cross-Cutting Areas

Communications Management
Vice Chancellor Donald McQuade (Chair)
Academic Senate Vice Chair Ron Gronsky
Labor Relations Manager Deborah Harrington
Manager-Human Resources Communications Kathleen Satz
Assistant Vice Chancellor George A. Strait
Staffing to be provided by University Relations

Revenue Generation
Vice Chancellor Horace Mitchell (Chair)
Associate Vice Chancellor Scott Biddy
Associate Vice Chancellor Ron Coley
Assistant Vice Chancellor Russell Giambelluca
Professor Ben Hermalin
Staffing to be provided by Business and Administrative Services

Human Resources Initiatives
Assistant Vice Chancellor David Moers (Chair)
Assistant Vice Chancellor Richard Black
Vice Provost Jan de Vries
Chief of Staff Ann Jeffrey
Professor Candace Yano
Staffing to be provided by the Office of Human Resources

Budget Advisory Committee

Purpose: This committee will advise the Chancellor on specific budget reduction strategies proposed by the Executive Budget Steering Committee. The group will meet as needed. This advisory committee is specifically intended to provide broader staff, student, and faculty Senate counsel.

Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Academic Senate (AS) Budget Committee Chair
Chair, C.A.P.R.A. (AS)
Chair, Committee on Committees (AS)
Chair, Graduate Council (AS)
ASUC President
ASUC Vice-President
Graduate Assembly Chair
Chair, Chancellor’s Staff Advisory Committee
Chair, Academic Business Officers Group

Council of Deans

Purpose: The Council will advise the Chancellor on specific budget reduction strategies proposed by the Executive Budget Steering Committee. It is specifically intended to provide input from the deans of colleges, divisions, and professional schools.

Chancellor’s Cabinet

Purpose: The Cabinet will advise the Chancellor on specific budget reduction strategies proposed by the Executive Budget Steering Committee.

Vice Chancellors
Vice Provosts
Associate Chancellor – Chief of Staff
Associate Provost – Faculty Equity
Associate Vice Chancellor – Research
Associate Vice Chancellor – IST
Associate Vice Chancellor – University Relations
Assistant Chancellor-Legal Affairs
Assistant Vice Chancellor – Public Affairs

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