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Memo To War Editors: Two-war related events on campus next week

– Two war-related events are scheduled at the University of California, Berkeley, for the week of April 14-18.

MONDAY, APRIL 14, noon
North Gate Hall library

"Spoils of War? Deciding the Future of Iraqi Oil, " a conversation between Mark Danner, UC Berkeley professor of journalism, and David L. Goldwyn, adjunct professor at Columbia University and Georgetown University

Goldwyn, an expert on the geopolitics of energy, is the founder and president of Goldwyn International Strategies LLC, a consulting firm that specializes in offering advice in the energy business, and has held many senior positions in government, including Assistant Secretary of Energy for international affairs in the Clinton Administration. At the U.S. Department of Energy, he was the principal advisor to Secretary Bill Richardson on international energy policy, international science and technology policy, and trade and investment issues.

The event is part of The Goldman Forum on the Press and Foreign Affairs, a series of lectures, dialogues and scholarships meant to foster debate about how critical world issues are covered in the American press - and how they can be covered more effectively.

UC Berkeley's Shorb House, 2547 Channing Way (seating is limited)

"The Cultural Heritage of Iraq and the Impacts of the War" a forum to explore the risks to Iraq's cultural heritage that are being posed by the current conflict in that country.

Considered the "cradle of civilization," Iraq has endured over 8,000 years and experienced a succession of cultures - from Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian to Islamic. These cultures have produced historically priceless monuments, archaeological sites and museums that are situated on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and in other areas throughout the country.

Panelists include three UC Berkeley professors of Near Eastern Studies - David Stronach, Marian Feldman and Niek Veldhuis.

The program is co-sponsored by UC Berkeley's Archaeological Research Facility and Department of Near Eastern Studies.

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