April 26 fair stresses healthy aging |
21 April 2003 ATTENTION: Health writers |
Robert Sanders
"Nutrition and Exercise for Healthful Aging," a health fair featuring talks, discussions and demonstrations designed to provide exercise and nutrition tips and strategies for remaining healthy as we age. Nutritional analyses, body fat and calcium measurements, hula, Tai Chi and Qigong demonstrations, resistance and strength training will be offered.
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 26, 2003.
Valley Life Sciences Building, Room 2050 and Courtyard, UC Berkeley.
Speakers will include:
- George Brooks, PhD, professor of integrative biology at UC Berkeley and a well-known expert on the biology of exercise.
- Patricia Wakimoto, DrPH, registered dietitian and co-director of the Community Outreach Program at the new Center for Minority Health Disparities of the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, and an associate researcher at the UC Berkeley's School of Public Health. She has extensive experience in developing strategic plans for healthy nutrition at all ages.
- A discussion panel of experts and professionals in exercise, nutrition and aging from UC Berkeley's departments of molecular and cell biology, integrative biology, nutritional sciences and toxicology, family practice and sports medicine, and geriatrics, and from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The public may ask questions of the panel afterward.
As baby boomers rapidly approach 65 and as the average life span of the U.S. population lengthens towards 80, UC Berkeley researchers who study aging see a need to help people understand and mitigate the processes and effects of aging, and nearly a dozen of them are hosting this third annual public colloquium and fair.
The event is presented by the Center for Research and Education in Aging (CREA) and supported by a grant from the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Paola S. Timiras, a professor emerita at UC Berkeley, is CREA director.
Cost is $5 per person; students are free. Price includes healthy refreshments.