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You've graduated — what's next?

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See the sights and hear the sounds of Commencement 2003

Graduating members of the Class of 2003 face a tough job market. But these students are choosing postgraduation paths similar to last year's graduates. According to the UC Berkeley Career Center, of the 6,000 Cal students who earn bachelor's degrees each year, about two-thirds go into the workforce, one-fifth go directly to graduate school, and the remainder choose the military, volunteer programs, or take time off (read full story). NewsCenter staff fanned out at Commencement Convocation on May 15 to get a more intimate picture of what's next for the Class of 2003. Comment

Sigal Shohan'I'm going to be a whitewater rafting guide for the summer, on the American River. After that, incredible visions of cooperative living. I want to start more creative and sustainable living spaces.'
—Sigal Shohan, Theater graduate
Demetrie Broxton'I'll be teaching art in Indianapolis, Indiana at an alternative school for at-risk youth. Ultimately, I plan to go to graduate school for art.'
—Demetrie Broxton, Art Practice graduate
Zena Herman'I've joined the Peace Corps, and I'm going to West Africa. I don't know where exactly yet, but I'll be working on organic farming. I hope I'll get to travel while I'm in Africa.'
—Zena Herman, Psychology graduate
Matthew Eagle'I'm going in the Army. I've been in the ROTC program here at Cal. With the Army, I'll be doing transportation – logistics.'
—Matthew Eagle, Philosophy graduate
Erwin Ong'I’m going to med school, and I’ll be bartending – because it’s fun – and traveling to Europe.'
—Erwin Ong, Molecular & Cell Biology graduate
Lisa McIntyre'I'm going to Japan to teach English for a few years and make some money. I plan to travel while I'm there, see Korea, India, Thailand.'
—Lisa McIntire, English graduate
Karen Harichandran'Next? It's called finding a job and it's not the best time to be looking. I'm going home to Lafayette, hang out with my parents, and look for a job in marketing.'
—Karen Harichandran, Economics graduate
Galen Hancock'I'm taking the summer off then coming back here to law school. At Boalt, I'll probably focus on law and technology. I don't have any specific plans for this summer, maybe travel.'
—Galen Hancock, Science and Math graduate
Lauren van den Hewvel'I finished my academic work in December; I'm in a teaching credential program at a Hayward elementary school. After that, I'm going to take some time off and travel, then maybe teach in Thailand.'
—Lauren van den Hewvel, English graduate
Ricci Zombeck'I'm spending the summer in Berkeley, hanging out, and then I'm going to Yale for art. After that, I guess I'll be getting a job.'
—Ricci Zombeck, Art practice graduate
Trinidad Contreras'I did the big thing – I’m prepping for both med school and law school. We’ll see which one works out.'
—Trinidad Contreras, Molecular & Cell Biology and Native American Studies graduate
Patricia Hernandez'I’m going to get a job to pay for my school loans, and surf in Hawaii this summer.'
—Patricia Hernandez, Latin American Studies and Spanish graduate
Nedaa Hannoun'I’m going to fly to Germany with my two young kids for a vacation – they need their mommy.'
—Nedaa Hannoun, Applied Mathematics graduate
Rosette Monzon'I'm going to spend my summer in the Philippines, then move back to Long Beach with my family and use my Berkeley education to find a job.'
—Rosette Monzon, Nutritional Science graduate


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