Advice from the experts — Cal's latest graduates
In their four years (or more) at UC Berkeley, students learn a few things — not least of which is how to make the most of their experience here. NewsCenter staff fanned out at Commencement Convocation last May to ask the Class of 2003 what they wish they'd known about Cal when they were freshmen. Comment
what you really like. I came in as a business
major and wasted
a semester taking classes I didn't enjoy.
And I wish
I'd enjoyed myself more my last semester.
Remember to have fun.' —Nanita DeGuzman, Economics
'A memory is
worth more than a grade — I've stuck
by that all this last semester. But make
sure to graduate. Also, see all the major
stuff on campus that you can — I
just went and saw the Big C [for Cal] last
week, which is sad.' —Lin Hsu,
Computer Science graduate
'Save money
— school's not going to be cheap anymore.' —Trinidad Contreras, Molecular & Cell
Biology/Native American Studies graduate
'Study abroad
for a year. You won't regret it.' —Lisa McIntire,
English graduate
procrastinate for finals. Don't wait 'til
the last minute to do your readings.' —Patricia Hernandez, Latin
American Studies/Spanish graduate
'Work hard.
It ain't going to happen for you otherwise.' —Matthew
Eagle, Philosophy graduate
'Seek the advice
of upperclassmen. Ask about courses, professors,
what is worth your time, and what isn't.' —Galen Hancock, Science
and Math graduate
'Take it cool.
Don't study too hard — that's not
the way to succeed. Be yourself and enjoy
every minute at Cal.' —Nedaa Hannoun,
Applied Mathematics graduate
'Join a student
group. If you get too caught up in dorm
life, you're going to miss an awful lot.
Take the time to look and explore all there
is to do here. Don't wait to start looking
until you are a senior.' —Karen Harichandran, Economics
out your classes so you're not all over
the place. Decide your major early
on and stay focused so you're not a junior
freaking out about all the classes
you still have to take. And if
you have kids, live in family student housing.
great!' —Michelle
Martin, African-American Studies graduate
'Take your time.
Enjoy the campus, try to have fun, and
don't take school too seriously.' —Rosette Monzon, Nutritional
Science graduate
'Savor every
moment, even the exams and the hard stuff.
Your time here goes by so quickly. This
is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.' —Lauren van den
Hewvel, English graduate
as much fun as possible in college — grades
aren't the most important thing. You can
succeed academically and still have fun
and make great friends. Oh, and no one
ever likes their major, so just stick with
it anyway.' —Eva Yee, History/Economics graduate
'Study abroad,
dude, that's the thing. Go to
the Big Game. Drink in the Bear's Lair
... when you're 21.' —Erwin Ong,
Molecular & Cell
Biology graduate