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9/11/01 - A Look Back and A Look Ahead

04 September 2003

ATTENTION: Health and bioterrorism reporters

Contact: Sarah Yang
(510) 643-7741 scy@pa.urel.berkeley.edu

"9/11/01 - A Look Back and A Look Ahead," a symposium examining the state of public health preparedness two years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

The event is being sponsored by the Center for Infectious Disease Preparedness and the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley.

1-5:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 11.

Chevron Auditorium, International House, UC Berkeley. International House is at the corner of Piedmont Avenue and Bancroft Way in the southeast corner of campus.

Speakers at the event will include:

  • Barry Bloom, dean of the Harvard School of Public Health, who will talk about the challenges of balancing national security and academic freedom

  • Dr. Arthur Reingold, professor and head of epidemiology at UC Berkeley, who will moderate a roundtable discussion with health officials from Santa Clara County and San Francisco on the readiness of local health departments to deal with catastrophes.

The agenda with the complete list of the speakers is available at http://www.ucbcidp.org.

The Center for Infectious Disease Preparedness at UC Berkeley, funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), provides frontline health and safety workers with training in epidemiology, surveillance, information technology and outbreak detection and response. The center also seeks to improve communications with journalists who report on health and medical stories.


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