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UC Berkeley Media Advisory

UC Berkeley experts available to assess Schwarzenegger budget plan

8 January 2004

ATTENTION: Reporters covering the state budget

Contact: UC Berkeley Media Relations
(510) 642-3734

With California facing a projected $15 billion state budget shortfall, Gov. Schwarzenegger will release tomorrow ( Friday, Jan. 9) a 2004-2005 budget that he hopes will begin steering the state out of its fiscal crisis. The University of California, Berkeley, has several experts available for interviews starting on Friday about the impact of the governor's budget proposals. The scholars' expertise includes California politics, the state's economy, public sector budgeting, higher education and K-12 education.

You can find this experts list under "California Budget Crisis" on the UC Berkeley NewsCenter's Faculty Experts page. We will continue to update that page in the days and weeks to come.

Please call UC Berkeley Media Relations at the contact number above should you need further assistance.

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