"The Bush Presidency and the 2004 Election" |
14 April 2004 ATTENTION: Political reporters and higher education reporters |
Jane Gilmore
"The Bush Presidency and the 2004 Election,'' the 23rd Annual Review of the Presidency sponsored by the University of California, Berkeley's Institute of Governmental Studies. A panel of leading presidential scholars and White House reporters will assess the past year of the Bush presidency and the outlook for the 2004 presidential election.
The event, organized by the institute's Center on Politics, is free and open to the public. For more information, visit the Web at http://politics.berkeley.edu.
Monday, April 19, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
155 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley
Panelists are: Joe Klein, Nelson W. Polsby, David Brady and Martin Anderson
* Joe Klein, Time Magazine national political columnist and author of the book "The Natural: The Misunderstood Presidency of Bill Clinton," and the novel "Primary Colors."
* Nelson W. Polsby, UC Berkeley professor of political science and author of the book "Presidential Elections."
* David Brady, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. His research focuses on the American Congress, the party system and public policy. He is a professor of political science and leadership values at Stanford University.
* Martin Anderson, who served as a policy advisor to a who's who list of Republican leaders including George W. Bush, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. He is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.