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UNIDO director general to speak Nov. 1

28 October 2004

ATTENTION: Public policy, business and technology writers and editors

Contact: By Ute Frey, Haas School of Busines
(510) 642-0342 frey@haas.berkeley.edu

"New Directions for the UN," a talk by Carlos Magariņos, director-general of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), at the University of California, Berkeley's Management of Technology program. UNIDO's mission is to promote global prosperity through sustainable industrial development in developing nations and countries with economies in transition. The free talk, which is open to the public, will include a discussion about how promoting productivity growth can help relieve poverty.

The Management of Technology (MOT) program is an interdisciplinary program among the Haas School of Business, the College of Engineering, and the School of Information Management and Systems. It is the campus's largest interdisciplinary program.

4-5 p.m., Monday, Nov. 1. A 30-minute reception will follow the talk.

Wells Fargo Room at the Haas School of Business, on the east side of the UC Berkeley campus.

Magariņos was first elected director-general of UNIDO in 1997, making him the youngest person and the first Argentine to ever hold that position. He is an advocate for multilateralism and the need for a development agenda that better addresses the threats and opportunities developing countries face with globalization. He is now serving his second term. His biography is available online at http://www.unido.org/doc/3358.

The lecture is part of the continuing and growing collaboration between UNIDO and UC Berkeley's MOT program. Earlier this year, UNIDO and MOT hosted a three-day conference on bridging the global industrial divide.

More information about UNIDO is available at http://www.unido.org. To learn more about MOT, go to http://mot.berkeley.edu.


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