UC Berkeley Web Feature
Holiday Bowl 2004
Big Balloon Parade
From Public Affairs | 29 December 2004
Holiday Bowl game day activities got underway with racing wiener dogs. Although Noodles (#5) wasn't the high-flyingest dachshund, he was the fastest, netting a $1,000 check for his owners from Huntington Beach, CA. (Steve McConnell photos) |
After the four-footed racers came the two-footed variety, participants in the Bumble Bee Seafoods 5K run along the parade course. |
The parade's signature big balloons ranged from the Cat in the Hat to local favorite Shamu. Some balloons had a tricky time navigating the narrow parade route, as their handlers battled the gentle ocean breeze and sometimes a lack of gas. |
Parade participants brought their own zany style to the show, including this drill team of aging surfboard enthusiasts. |
Bud the dalmation had a prime spot for parade-watching, perched atop Annheuser-Busch's Clydesdale-pulled beer wagon. |
But life is not a bed of roses (and we're not talking bowl game selection, either!) — just ask the Clydesdales' personal cleanup committee. |
The UC Berkeley float packed on the whole Cal family: Oski, cheerleaders, Rally Committee members and the chancellor and his wife. |
Cal Band great! And they certainly were, for the parade as well as for their many other performances throughout a grueling Holiday Bowl week. |
Even some nonpartisan parade participants showed their true colors, like these Marines with a tiny Cal bear perched atop their amphibious vehicle. |
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