Congressman Mike Honda to receive award "Champion of Science Award" on Tuesday, Mar. 22 |
21 March 2005 ATTENTION: Higher education, technology writers |
Media Relations
Presentation of the "Champion of Science Award" from the national Science Coalition to Congressman Mike Honda (D-San Jose). This Washington, D.C.-based national consortium of universities and research and development companies includes the University of California and periodically gives out this award to a member of Congress.
Honda is on the House Science Committee and recently was elected senior Democrat of the Science Committee's Subcommittee on Energy.
Tuesday, March 22, 3-5 p.m.
Hearst Memorial Mining Building, Room 290, UC Berkeley.
Richard Newton, dean of the College of Engineering, will introduce the congressman, and Chancellor Robert Birgeneau will present Honda with the award.
As part of the event, the following faculty members will demonstrate research they are doing as part of the campus-based Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS):
- Dan Kammen, director of the Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory, will show a stove that can reduce indoor air pollution in Africa.
- Kris Pister, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, will demonstrate smart dust technology that is revolutionizing wireless sensor networks.
- Lydia Sohn, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, will show off nano-based devices that can one day be used to detect diseases in their early stages.
For more information about the "Champion of Science Award," go to: Learn more about CITRIS at: A campus map can be found at: