UC Berkeley Web Feature
Heroes among the Berkeley staff
Below is a complete list of all staff members slated to receive letters from the Chancellor after students cited them for everyday heroism. (Some letters are still in the process of being sent out; GSI and faculty heroes will be included in future lists.) Want to know more about how these people went "above and beyond" the call of duty? Check the the Daily Hero feature, debuting on the NewsCenter home page Monday, Nov. 14, which every weekday will feature a different hero along with an excerpt from students' responses.
Corrections to this list should be e-mailed to newscenter@berkeley.edu.
Susan Agnew, Undergrad Asst III, Near Eastern Studies
Alex Alday, Associate Director, Student Life Advising Services
Craig Alderson, Library Assistant, The Library-Social Welfare
Gonzalo Arrizon, Coordinator, Student Learning Center
Lisa Bauer, Manager, Physical Plant
Kristi Bedolla, Student Affairs Officer, Sociology
Pat Berumen, Student Liaison, Engineering IDS
Richard Black, Associate Vice Chancellor, Admission & Enrollment
Sherman Boyson, Undergraduate Assistant, Social Welfare
Robert Calonico, Director of Bands, SMA-CAL Band
Nate Carroll, Academic Counselor Coordinator, Student Life Advising Services
Joan Chamberlain, Student Affairs Officer, Civil Engineering/CEE
Constance Chiba, Coordinator, Disabled Students' Program
Efrat Cidon, Undergraduate Adviser, Political Science
Mary Anne Clark, Student Affairs Officer, Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning
Aaron Cohen, Disability Specialist, Disabled Students' Program
Michele de Coteau, Director, Multicultural Engineering Program , Engineering Dean's Office
Anna Del Rosario, Student Affairs Officer, Legal Studies
Courtney Dolder, Adviser, Athletics
Rachel Dubois, Asst. Director, Financial Aid
Katie Dustin, Coordinator, International & Area Studies Teaching Program
John Flores, Student Affairs Officer, Architecture
Gilberta Fortini, Custodian, Residential & Student Services
David Fullmer, Analyst, Associated Students of UC
Marty Gaetjens, Student Adviser, Mass Communications
Lupe Gallegos-Diaz, Coordinator, Multicultural Student Development
William Gentry, Admin. Asst., Sociology
Nadine Gerdes, Student Affairs Officer, Study Abroad Program
Richard Gibson, Coordinator, Student Learning Center
Teresita Gutierrez, Student Affairs Officer, Financial Aid
Sheila Humphreys, Director of Diversity,
Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
Sandy Jaeger, Student Affairs Officer, Department of Economics
Darin Jensen, Cartographer, Geography
Jan Johnson, Student Affairs Officer, East Asian Languages & Cultures
Alice Jordan, Coordinator, Transfer, Re-entry and Student Parents
Pat Klanh, Student Affairs Officer, L&S Advising Office
Chris Lane, Academic Adviser, Athletic Study Center
Maire Lanigan, Student Affairs Officer, Environmental Science, Policy, & Management
Roger Liu, Assistant Director, Biology Scholars Program, Molecular & Cell Biology
Diana Lizarraga, Director, UC LEADS research program
Kelly Mann, Cashier, Tang Center
John Matsui, Program Director, Molecular & Cell Biology
Katherine Mattson, Production Manager, Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies
Suzanne McDermott, Undergraduate Adviser, Psychology
Fabrizio Mejia, Academic Counselor Coordinator, Student Life Advising Services
Ted Moore, Acting Director, Jazz Ensemble
Joe Morello, Advising Coordinator, Athletic Study Center
Shelley Okimoto, Graduate Student Adviser, Civil and Environmental Enigneering (but
cited when working as Admissions Adviser at Social
Cristóbal Olivares, Health Educator, University Health Services
John Patton, Student Services Assistant, African American Studies
Catherine Pauling, Student Affairs Officer, Earth and Planetary Science (but
cited for her work as a Mathematics adviser)
Nadesan Permaul, Director, Parking & Transportation
Michael Quan, Supervisor, Letters & Science Computer Resource
Kanika Saniford, Student Affairs Officer, Sociology
Jason Simon, Associate Executive Director, Cal Alumni Association
Angela Skrivanich, Student Affairs Officer, Undergraduate Admissions
Kathy Slusser, Coordinator, UC Berkeley Washington Program
Anatole Soyka, Student Affairs Officer, Public Health
Jeffrey Strahl, Student Affairs Officer, Engineering Dean's Office
Monica Stufft, GSI, Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies
Amy Utstein, Undergraduate Adviser, Comparative Literature
Dante Valdez, Supervisor, Chemistry
Herman Van Halbeek, Director, Chemistry
Elvia Villalobos, Asst. director, Student Affairs, Incentive Awards Program
Ron Williams, Coordinator, Transfer, Re-entry and Student Parents
Mike Wong, Academic Adviser, Student Learning Center
Lisa Zemelman, Student Affairs Officer, Nuclear Engineering