UC Berkeley Web Feature
The ways and means of maintaining excellence
The $871 million
In November 2005 the San Francisco Chronicle reported that $871 million had been distributed system-wide by the University of California in "bonuses, relocation allowances, stipends and an array of other hidden cash compensation." The newspaper did not report that:
- Of the $871 million, $600 million is compensation paid to doctors and clinical faculty for treating patients and to campus faculty for additional teaching and research performed during the summer. (1)
- System-wide, senior administrators received only $7 million — less than 1% of the $871 million. For a complete accounting of the UC compensation figures, see the documentation online. (1)
Compensation at Berkeley
- Senior administrators at Berkeley received $609,518, less than 0.1% of the $871 million total. (1)
- This additional compensation includes items such as relocation expenses, vacation accrual, separation agreements, car allowances and stipends for faculty members who have assumed additional, senior administrative responsibilities.
- Berkeley's senior managers have received the same general salary increases as their employees: 1.5% in 2002-03 and 0% in 2003-04 and 2004-05. (1)
- Chancellor Robert Birgeneau's annual salary of $400,000 is 27% less than the average salary of private university presidents. (2)
- Only 120 members of Berkeley's staff and faculty appeared on the Chronicle's list of the 2,227 UC (system) employees who earn $200,000 or more a year. (3)
- The Chronicle did not report that the two Cal employees who made the top ten, Coaches Ben Braun and Jeff Tedford, derive more than 85% of their compensation from private sources. (3)
- Salaries paid to UC Berkeley's associate professors and full professors are 22% below the average of our institutional peers. (4)
- In the last 5 years private institutions have made 122 offers to members of our faculty, succeeding 30% of the time. (4)
(1) University of California, Office of the President
(2) July 2004, Mercer Salary Survey of UC Chancellors
(3) UC Berkeley, Office of Public Affairs
(4) UC Berkeley, Office of the Provost

Comparison with 8 peer institutions adjusted for inflation in 11/2003 dollars
Source: UC Berkeley Provost

Results of offers made to tenured Berkeley faculty 2000-present
Source: UC Berkeley Provost

Source: Chronicle of Higher Education 11/05