Korean poet to do "Lunch Poems" reading |
10 April 2006 ATTENTION: Feature, book and Asian news editors and writers |
Kathleen Maclay, Media Relations
A reading by renowned Korean poet Ko Un at "Lunch Poems," a noontime poetry reading series at the University of California, Berkeley. The well-known series, begun in 1996, is under the direction of Robert Hass, UC Berkeley professor of English and U.S. Nobel Poet laureate.
Un is a poet, novelist, ex-monk, former dissident, four-time political prisoner and literary critic who embraces Buddhism. His work reflects 70 years of South Korean history, including the Japanese occupation, the Korean War and democracy.
Un's poetry will be translated into English by local poet and translator Richard Silberg. Allen Ginsberg called Un "a combination of Buddhist cognoscente, passionate political libertarian, and naturalist historian."
12:10 p.m., Tuesday, April 25
Morrison Library in Doe Library, near the center of campus
Un's latest collection of poetry is "The Three Way Tavern," published by UC Press. A photo of Un is available online at: https://newsarchive.berkeley.edu/news/media/download/.
Lunch Poems is free and open to the public.