Labor Day briefing |
29 August 2007 ATTENTION: Labor, economics and employment writers and editors |
Andrea Buffa
A Labor Day telephone press briefing by experts from the University of California, Berkeley's Center for Labor Research and Education about:
- Trends in real wage growth in California and nationally since last Labor Day.
- California and national employment data and an explanation of how employment, especially in the construction industry, is being impacted by the housing/mortgage crisis.
- Information on union membership, what the labor movement faces in the coming year and new Labor Center research on Northern California grocery workers, who this fall will begin new contract negotiations.
10 a.m. PDT Thursday, Aug. 30
Telephone press conference. The call-in number is (888) 285-4585 and the access code is: 322622.
The Labor Center reports will be provided to reporters who participate in the briefing or they can be requested from Andrea Buffa, Report information is embargoed until Sunday, Sept. 2, when the report will be released and posted on the Labor Center Web site