Fisher Center's annual real estate update |
02 May 2008 ATTENTION: Business, economy and real estate reporters and editors |
Ute Frey, Haas School of Business
"Mid-Year Update: Has the Other Shoe Dropped?" is the topic of the 13th annual Fisher Center Real Estate Conference, at which leading experts from academia, business and government will examine current trends and critical issues in the real estate market, particularly in California.
The conference is being sponsored by the Fisher Center for Real Estate & Urban Economics at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business.
Tuesday, May 6, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
St. Francis Hotel, 335 Powell St., San Francisco
Hotel phone: (415) 397-7000 or (800) WESTIN 1
Keynote speakers will include:
- Kenneth Rosen, chair of the Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics, who will present his annual real estate forecast.
- John Chiang, California state controller, who will give a "state of the state" address.
Highlights of panel topics include:
- Real estate markets and the economy
- The residential housing market -- disaster and opportunity
- Real estate, urban issues and demographics
- Resolving the housing finance crisis
- How smart is green?
The complete agenda and additional details can be found at the Real Estate @ Haas Web page.