UC Berkeley News
Web Feature

UC Berkeley Press Release

Message to students on responding to impending strike activity on campus

July 11, 2008



The AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME) Local 3299 has given notice that it will hold a five-day strike across the University of California system, including the Berkeley campus, July 14-18, 2008.   The AFSCME service unit includes custodians, food service workers, bus drivers and groundskeepers.

Our primary goal during any strike is to take all reasonable steps to fulfill the educational mission of the University, particularly the delivery of instruction. Thus, classes will be held as originally scheduled, unless your instructor has informed you about an approved alternate arrangement.  In addition to classes, all other activities of the University will continue as usual.

Since the campus will be open for business, students, employees and visitors will likely encounter picket lines at certain entrances to the campus starting Monday. You should know that the law protects the right of all individuals to cross picket lines. The campus has experienced employee strikes in the past. In all cases, the picketers have been very committed to their point of view but respectful of the views of others.

Information about the strike will be available as it develops at the UC Berkeley NewsCenter.

Again, every effort will be taken to avoid disruption of classes.

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