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"Food Agenda for the Next Administration"

22 September 2008

ATTENTION: Political, food, and science writers and editors

Contact: Kathleen Maclay, Media Relations
(510) 643-5652 kmaclay@berkeley.edu

"A Food Agenda for the Next Administration," a panel discussion at the University of California, Berkeley, that will posit a policy framework for the next presidential administration to achieve healthy food and agriculture systems.

This forum is the second in a series exploring causes of the global food crisis and potential solutions. The series is sponsored by Agriculture in Metropolitan Regions, an interdisciplinary project of UC Berkeley's Center for Global Metropolitan Studies.

7-9 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 1

Wheeler Hall Auditorium, near the center of campus (http://berkeley.edu/map/).

Panelists will include:

  • Michael Dimock, president of Roots of Change, a collaborative working to achieve a sustainable food system in California by 2030.
  • Michael Pollan, Knight Professor of Science and Environmental Journalism at UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism and author of "In Defense of Food."
  • Judith Redmond, co-owner of Full Belly Farm and board president of the Community Alliance with Family Farmers, a collaborative working to foster family-scale agriculture that cares for the land, sustains local economies and promotes social justice.
  • Mark Ritchie, Minnesota's secretary of state, co-founder of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, and one of the founding members of the certified fair trade movement in the United States.

Cynthia Gorney, a UC Berkeley journalism professor, will be the moderator.

The event is free to UC Berkeley students with valid identification. Members of the public can purchase tickets for $10 at (510) 642-9988, http://tickets.berkeley.edu/ and at the Zellerbach Hall ticket office. Will call and other tickets will be available at the Wheeler Auditorium box office starting at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 1. Auditorium doors will open at 6:30 p.m.

For more information about "A Food Agenda for the Next Administration" or Agriculture in Metropolitan Regions, contact Sibella Kraus at (510) 642-5541 or sibellakraus@berkeley.edu.


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