Media Advisory

UC Berkeley experts available to discuss presidential election

Contact: Janet Gilmore, Media Relations
(510) 642-5685

23 October 2008

ATTENTION: Reporters covering the 2008 election


Faculty members at the University of California, Berkeley, are available to provide insight and expertise in the final days before the presidential election. Below is a list of experts on voting and racial matters, issues that are attracting more attention at this point in the election. Please note that additional information on these professors, and on other UC Berkeley election experts, is available online at:


HENRY BRADY, political science professor
Polls, voting technology, voter behavior
Phone: (510) 642-3008

RAYMOND WOLFINGER, emeritus political science professor
Voter behavior
Phone: (510) 527-6865

JESSE CHOPER, law professor
Legal issues involving elections
Phone: (510) 642-0339

DEIRDRE MULLIGAN, assistant professor, School of Information, and a faculty director at the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology
Voting technology
Phone: (510) 642-0499

PHILIP STARK, statistics professor
Post-election audits and the accuracy of voting equipment
Phone: (510) 642-1430 (forwards to cell).

DAVID WAGNER, associate professor of computer science
Voting technology/machine trustworthiness and reliability, voting machine security
Phone: (510) 642-2758


JACK GLASER, associate professor of public policy
Racial stereotyping and prejudice, the emotional expressiveness of candidates and its influence on elections
Phone: (510) 642-3047

CHARLES HENRY, African American studies professor
Race in America, identity and black leadership, the "The Bradley Effect"
Phone: (510) 642-3426

DAVID HOLLINGER, American history professor
Historical aspects of a black presidential candidate, race, politics of race and ethnicity. Phone: (510) 642-6822

DAVID KIRP, public policy professor
Social policy and race, race and politics
Phone: (510) 642-7531