Resources for trying times
| 05 August 2009
BERKELEY — To learn about a wealth of campus programs, visit the Budget Central calendar of resources and its page on Resources for faculty & staff or look directly to the units below for the help you need.
CARE Services
For information on taking care of yourself and your employees,
explore the resources offered by CARE
Services for
faculty and staff.
Transition Services
Human Resources' Transition Services unit offers a host of
services for employees who have been laid off. Offerings
include job-placement services within and outside of the
university, a job-hunters' club, and classes on résumé writing,
interviewing, career management, and marketing yourself
in today's employment environment. For information, see
the Human
Resources transitions website,
or call 642-4621.
Staff Ombuds Office
Coaching in communication and handling conflict, mediation
services, and help in developing options to resolve conflicts are
all available through this office.
"With the system furloughs, corresponding salary cuts, and talk of layoffs, there is increased fear and insecurity," says Sara Thacker, acting director and ombudsperson. "As a result, conflict might be forced underground. Staff may not feel comfortable addressing conflicts or problems in the workplace for fear of calling attention to themselves or placing themselves at risk."
Thacker's office provides a safe setting where people can speak confidentially about their concerns and develop options to resolve or manage workplace conflicts, disputes, or problems. Learn more online and call 642-7823 to schedule an appointment.
HR Support for Managers
Human Resources offers several courses in managing
staff through transitions.
New workshops will be offered for campus managers in September.
Berkeley's Center for Organizational Workforce Effectiveness
(COrWE) offers support to units working on planning, priority setting,
and work redesign. To explore options for assistance, e-mail
or call 642-3836.
UCB Learning Center
Workshops and online courses on myriad topics related to
the changing workplace are available through the UCB
Learning Center, accessed via Blu. Select
the "Self-Service" menu and look at Organizational Effectiveness,
Work Process Analysis, and Supervision, Management, and Leadership.
(CARE's Craig Mielcarski has written several articles about managing
during transitions that can be accessed through the Organizational
Effectiveness category.)