NEWS RELEASE, 11/4/96UC Berkeley Can Help Employers With Holiday Help Needs Reach Talented Student Workers |
Berkeley -- Career and Graduate School Services at the University of California at Berkeley is alerting Bay Area employers that it will announce seasonal, temporary and part-time positions on its 24-hour online job listings. "These listings are a great way to reach more than 29,000 diverse and talented UC Berkeley students," said Jane Adams, director of student employment. Jobs are listed for two weeks at no cost to employers. Employers retain full control of the interview and screening process. Job listings may be revised or renewed as needed. Adams noted that many students are eager and available for temporary or part-time seasonal work throughout the Bay Area. To list a position or find our more about the service, call the Job Development Office for Student Employment at (510) 642-0443, or fax to (510) 643-6120. Announcements may also be mailed to: Career and Graduate School Services, University of California, Berkeley, 2111 Bancroft Way #4350, Berkeley, CA 94720-4350. ###
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