MEDIA ADVISORY-press briefing, April 4, 1996 at 2pm

by Public Information Office

WHAT: At the request of several media organizations, the University of California at Berkeley has scheduled a press briefing to share all public information the university has on former assistant professor of mathematics Theodore John Kaczynski.

WHEN: 2 p.m. Thursday, April 4, 1996


  • Calvin C. Moore, professor of mathematics at UC Berkeley and vice chairman of the mathematics department from 1968 to 1971

  • John Addison, professor emeritus of mathematics and chairman of the department from 1968 to 1972

  • Capt. Bill Foley, UC Police Department and liaison with the FBI for the Unabomber investigation

    WHERE: Madrone Room, 4th floor of the MLK Jr. Student Union, corner of Telegraph Ave. and Bancroft Way.

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