Two public hearings on the draft environmental impact report on a proposed new building to replace the University's current hazardous materials handling facility will be held Thursday, Sept. 29.
The hearings, from 4-6 pm and 7-10 pm, will be held in the auditorium of International House.
The report concludes that a new facility in the lower portion of Strawberry Canyon would have no long-term impact on the environment or the public's health and safety.
In addition, the report finds that a new facility near Evans Field where Callaghan Hall ROTC offices are now may also be feasible.
On campus, the draft report is available in the Environmental Design Library in 210 Wurster Hall, and in the Physical and Environmental Planning Office, A&E Building, Room 1.
Clean Air Survey
If you receive a survey in the mail asking about your commute habits, take a minute to fill it out, says the chancellor. The campus is one of 3000 local employers collecting data on how their people get to work in order to comply with a mandate of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Randomly selected faculty and staff will receive surveys after Oct. 17. Results will be published in Berkeleyan next spring. And remember that Oct. 3-7 is California Rideshare Week. Those wishing to pledge their support and share a ride to work can pick up a pledge card at Berkeley TRiP, 2033 Center St., 3-7665.
Reception for Southeast Asia Studies
Regional cuisine will highlight the Center for Southeast Asia Studies open reception Sept. 22. Scholars, students, staff and friends of the center will be on hand to share their academic and humanitarian concerns. Festivities begin at 3 pm in the conference room of the Institute of East Asian Studies, 2223 Fulton St.
Indian Dance Performance
The classical Indian art form Bharata Natyam, which combines storytelling with rhythmic footwork, will be featured in two upcoming performances. Guest speaker Nandini Ramani will discuss religious devotion in Bharata Natyam and demonstrate items from the dance and music repertoire Sept. 27 at10 am in 203 Wheeler Hall. Subsequently, Janet O'Shea and the master dance musicians of the Tanjore Court artistic tradition will perform a concert Sept. 24 at 8 pm in the New Performance Gallery, 3153 17th St., San Francisco. For more information, call (415) 431-6764.
Graduate Students Can Do Research in India
Graduate students interested in spending nine months completing research studies in India are invited to apply to the Berkeley Professional Studies Program. The program is looking for participants to design their own projects in agriculture, architecture, business administration, urban planning, education, engineering, forestry, nursing, medicine, and other fields. Frequently, this research becomes the basis for masters and doctoral theses. For more information, contact Linnea Soderlund, 160 Stephens Hall, 642-1356, eapucb@uclink.
Apply for International House Scholarships
Room and board scholarships at International House for spring '95 are available to graduate and upper-division students who have already completed one academic year at Berkeley and can demonstrate financial need.
Special consideration is given to students from ethnic backgrounds and areas of the world that are underrepresented.
Permanent residents may obtain an application at the I House personnel office. Deadline to apply is Oct. 21.
International students may obtain an application at the I House Services for International Students and Scholars office. Deadline to apply is Oct. 14.
LBL Sells Surplus Property Each Week
As usual, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory is selling surplus property to the public every Wednesday from 11 am to 1 pm at 2700 7th St., Berkeley.
Items available can include desks, chairs, computers, printers, lab ware, appliances, and more. All items are sold "as is," cash only. No checks are accepted.
Faculty Staff Day At Memorial Stadium
On Sept. 24, faculty and staff can attend the 12:30 pm Golden Bears vs. Arizona State Sun Devils game at Memorial Stadium for only $32 per family ticket. Family tickets, which admit four, can be purchased game day at the special service booth, north end of the stadium. Your UC employee ID card and event flyer are required to purchase tickets at this special price.