Weinstock Lecture
Amartya Sen, professor of economics and philosophy at Harvard University, will deliver the Barbara Weinstock Lecture on the Morals of Trade Oct. 6 at 4:10 pm in the Alumni House Lounge. Sen's topic will be "Population and Practical Reason." Sen is president of the American Economic Association.
Fire Prevention Week
Oct. 9-15 is national Fire Prevention Week. This year's focus is on smoke detectors. EH&S encourages testing your detector monthly and replacing batteries at least once a year. For more tips on Fire Prevention and Safety, contact the EH&S Fire Prevention Division at 643-5978.
Clean-Up Day Sept. 30
Don't forget Clean-Up Day this Friday, Sept. 30. Volunteers are asked to report to the west side of the Campanile between noon and 3 pm for assignments around campus. Participants will be entered in a drawing for football tickets, a dinner at Skates on the Bay, and other prizes. For more information, call Lourdes Jimenez at 642-9369.
Online Information On Safety and Transport
Public Safety and Transportation now has a gopher server accessible from the Berkeley campus gopher menu under campus information. The new gopher provides access to information about programs of the University Police Department and the Department of Parking and Transportation.
Five subject areas covered are emergency numbers, alternative transportation, emergency preparedness, parking and transportation, and police and public safety.