This Fall Will Bring Change to Hiring Process

by Richard L. Fung Personnel Office

Over the next few months the campus will begin to see some of the changes brought about by Project HIRE, the initiative to redesign the recruitment and hiring process. The project team finished its first task--finding out what the campus community wanted--at the end of June. What they heard from staff and managers was that the campus needs to develop a highly qualified and diverse pool of applicants, to allow flexibility and simplicity during recruitment, to cut recruitment time, and to delegate authority for specific hiring activity to campus units.

Three implementation teams are working to carry out specific tasks in the next stage of the project.

A Financial Analysis/Organization Design Team will analyze the cost of the Project HIRE system and develop a campus plan. The Principles, Values, and Accountability Team will examine values and principles to support the cultural shift required by simpler, more effective, and more customer-oriented processes. The Information Systems Team will write a request for proposal for a computerized hiring system.

Some changes can take place right away. Here are some processes that will be improved or simplified this fall:

o A telephone job hotline will be installed through the Berkeley Campus Personnel Office.

o New employee orientation and applicant workshops will be expanded to include information about our campus culture and the mission of the University.

o Paperwork for rehired student employees will be simpler.

(Berkeley: Copyright © The Regents of the University of California)


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