A Safe Anniversary
The five-year anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake will be marked by a series of emergency- preparedness events on campus.
An emergency-preparedness fair will take place Oct. 17 on Sproul Plaza. Oct. 19 is Health and Safety Day, also on the plaza. Oct. 21 will feature a blood drive at the ASUC. Call 452-6203 to sign up.
Also, CPR classes will be offered Oct. 22 at Hearst Gymnasium. Classes will begin hourly between 9 am and 2 pm. Preregistration for CPR is appreciated, but walk-ins will be accepted. Call BASS tickets, 762-2277, to reserve a spot.
Help Southside
You are invited to help the continued renaissance of the Southside neighborhood by joining the Telegraph Area Association.
Those who live and work in the area are needed to guide physical improvements, shape community standards, and restore a safe, attractive, and exciting neighborhood. Annual membership fees are $15 general and $10 for students. For more information, call Jenny at 649-9500.
Health-Care Debate
California health-care reform as embodied in Proposition 186 on the November ballot will be discussed at an Oct. 18 debate in 109 Moses Hall at 4 pm.
Speakers include health economist Richard Scheffler, professor of public health; Stephen Schear, chair of Alameda County Vote Health Coalition and director of Business Outreach for Californians Health Security; and Richard Wiebe of Californians Against Government Takeover and a representative of the California Medical Association. Debate moderator is Gerald C. Lubenow of the Institute of Government Studies.
Champagne Signs
A champagne background and Cal-blue lettering will be the standard for signs on campus soon, said Kay Hotchkiss of Parking and Transportation. "Until now we've had a hodgepodge of signs on campus, all shapes and colors," said Hotchkiss. "Or we might have a parking sign with five other signs stuck on it." New signs going up will make instructions uniform across campus. Prototypes were installed at University Hall, Dwinelle, and West Anna Head parking areas last month.
Zip+4 Codes in Use
The new zip+4 mail codes on campus are being used for more than 35 percent of mail passing through mail services, according to Terry Nelson, project manager. Nelson notes mail codes are now listed in the campus directory.
Hitchcock Lectures
John Polanyi, university professor of chemistry at the University of Toronto, will deliver the Charles M. and Martha Hitchcock Lectures Oct. 13 and Oct. 20 at 5:10 pm in 120 Latimer Hall.