Gazette Page Items

Employee Development And Training

For more information, for copies of the 1994-95 Employee Development and Training Catalog, or for information on how to enroll in classes, call 642-8134.

Career Panel of Management Services Officers

Nov. 1, 12:15-1:30 pm, Room 24, University Hall

Employees from the MSO classification will discuss their job responsibilities, professional skills, career paths, and educational backgrounds. Career panels are designed for employees interested in moving into a particular classification.

Management Academy

Applications Due Nov. 1

Nov. 1 is the deadline for submitting applications to attend the 1995 Management Academy, to be held Jan.10-12 at the Clark Kerr Campus. For an application, call Employee Development and Training at 642-8134. Applications must be submitted to department heads by Nov. 1. You can also apply simultaneously through the Coalition of Ethnic Staff Organizations by submitting your application by Nov. 1 to Elaine Fukuhara Schilling, EDT, 207 University Hall. For more information, contact program coordinator Schilling at 642-3595 or e-mail schillin@uclink.

Operational Planning: The Basis for Budget Development and Control

Nov. 7 (8:30 am- 4:30 pm) and Nov. 14 (8:30 am-noon), Room 24, University Hall

Learn how to formulate departmental goals and objectives, relate these to higher level strategies and goals, identify means to measure whether or not departmental objectives are met, develop departmental action plans, and monitor/control operational actions and budgets to meet objectives.

Customer Survey Methods

Nov. 8, 10 am-noon, Room 24, University Hall

Learn the five-step approach to marketing/customer research, plus several customer survey methods, and how to identify appropriate situations for using each method.

Skills Seminar for Analysts

Nov. 10 and 17, 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Room 24, University Hall

Through case studies, exercises, and discussion, you will have the opportunity to follow the analytic process and practice skills that are essential in an analyst's job.


For information, a complete program flyer, or to enroll, call 643-4646

Basics of Self-Defense

Oct. 25, 12:10-12:55 pm, Tang Center, Class of '42 Room

Discover your potential for self-protection, including avoidance strategies, basic principles of self-defense, ways to maximize your advantage, and information on campus resources. Free; no enrollment necessary.

Take Time to Make Time

Oct. 25, 10 am-noon, Tang Center

Learn new ways to manage your time when you have no time. Explore 10 tips for time management. Call 643-7754 to enroll.

Technology Tackles

Repetitive Tasks

Nov. 1, 10 am-noon, Tang Center

A panel of campus staff will share how technology can and can not help with your workload, how their departments have used technology to address the workload crisis, and the issues and realities of their experiences with computer technology implementation. Call 643-7754 to enroll.


Tuesdays, Nov. 1, 8, 15, noon- 12:55 pm

Find out how the body changes during menopause, identify methods to cope with symptoms of menopause, evaluate the pros and cons of estrogen replacement theory. Free; call 643-7754 to enrol

Management Fellowship Deadline Is Oct. 26

A full-time, one-year management fellowship at the MAP I level is open to campus career employees. Closing date for applying is Oct. 26; the salary range is $45,670-$57,060.

Under the mentorship of Bud Travers, executive director of financial and plant services, and Jim Hensler, director of business services, the management fellow will provide leadership and direction to the initial phase of the CalCard program, resulting in issuance of magnetically encoded photo identification cards to students for fall semester 1995.

The fellow will also provide planning and direction for card issuance to faculty and staff, secure financial and campus support for the system, and establish a card operations office.

The affirmative action goal for this position is Hispanic.

For more information, contact the Personnel Office, the Internship Program (642-0758), or Business Services (642-2851).

Awards and Honors

Robert Buchanan, professor of plant biology, is president-elect of the American Society of Plant Physiologists. He will become president Oct. 1, 1995. Buchanan serves on the editorial boards of Plant Physiology and Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics.

Baruch Lev, Emile R. Niemela Professor of Business Administration, has won the Notable Contribution to Accounting Literature Award, one of the accounting profession's highest research honors. His article, "On the Usefulness of Earnings: Lessons and Directions from Two Decades of Empirical Research," was published in the Journal of Accounting Research. Citing the paper as a key resource "that has already caused a major shift in financial accounting research," the American Accounting Association and American Institute of Certified Public Accounting said Lev's work had also set out "several new directions for [future] accounting research."

Lev, who holds a joint appointment with Boalt Hall School of Law, focuses on corporate and securities law. He is on leave this fall while teaching at New York University.

Douglas Fuerstenau, professor emeritus of materials science and mineral engineering, has been elected a foreign member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation. The mining and metallurgy section of the academy elected him for his contributions to the theory and practice of processing ores for resource recovery and the extraction of metals from raw materials. Fuerstenau joined Berkeley's engineering faculty in 1959.

Send news of awards and honors to Julia Sommer, 2120 Oxford St. 3rd floor, 642-8712, fax 643-5085, e-mail JMS@PA.UREL. Black-and-white photos welcome.


Workstation Support Services offers beginning and intermediate half-day and full-day microcomputer classes this fall on both IBM PC and Macintosh. Most classes have prerequisites. If you need help deciding which class to take, call 642-8899. They are scheduled Oct. 25-Nov. 17.

You must reserve space at least one week before the class starts. Half-day classes cost $50; full-day classes cost $95. The fee may be paid with a personal check, UC department ledger number, or department-funded computer account.

For information and registration applications, call 642-7355. Course descriptions and sign-up forms are also available online through the Workstation Support Services (WSS) Gopher information server (wss-gopher., port 70).



Catch Those Rays While You Can

Indian summer is on the wane. The sculpture "Voyage," by the late famed sculptor and professor of art Richard O'Hanlon (1906-1985), makes an ideal backdrop for studying. Placed between Hertz and Morrison halls in 1961, shortly after the buildings were completed in 1958, the 800-pound bronze piece was a gift of longtime Berkeley supporters and art patrons Ansley and Helen Salz. Native California oaks in Faculty Glade and the Campanile round out this bucolic slice of Berkeley. Daylight Saving Time ends Oct. 30. (Peg Skorpinski photo)


Gary Handman, head of the library's Media Resources Center, has edited "Video Collection Development in Multi-type Libraries: A Handbook," Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. It is the broadest discussion currently available on video collection development in libraries, providing descriptions and discussions of resources, policies, concepts, and issues central to the practices of building and managing video collections in public, academic, school, and special libraries.

1994-95 Entertainment Books are for sale to employees and students at the Cashier's Office, 140 University Hall. Cost for the East Bay/Alameda County edition is $40. The books, covering the Bay Area and beyond, include discounts on restaurants, special and sporting events, goods and services, and travel.


Copyright 1994, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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